Dr. Touray is doing Damage Control, but is the damage already done?

From the beginning, it was always clear, for Dr. Touray, it’s was her way or the Highway. Her sincerity and devotion to the coalition was under question from day one. Once it was clear that there is chance that the delegates might go for a different candidate, she began laying the foundation of betrayal. Some of you looked caught off-guard, I was the least surprised. Go read my blog (jollofnerds.com), I have many articles addressing this topic, I have said she was planning to betray the Coalition.

READ: What is in a SIGNATURE?

Remember, her poor-grammar, error filled public notice few weeks ago, it was all part of a coy to derail the coalitions, unfortunately for her it failed flat. Even the often naïve Strugglers called her out for her poor judgement but she wasn’t done yet.

But why would she. She was the Diaspora’s darling, she wanted it all by herself. She came from the NGO background, very skilled at grabbing money. She was building a political dynasty capable of extracting as much money from foreign sources as possible just like a typical NGO and she wasn’t about to give it all up like that lol. Within few weeks of her candidature, Vanguards (something) some organization based in the US announced they are financially backing Isatou for elections, which by itself is illegal under Gambian constitution but who cares, its money, right! Lol. Go tell that to some other person NOT an NGO lady lol.

Dr. Touray’s only leverage in this elections has always been COALITION, period, nothing more. She entered the race because according to her she wanted to help the Opposition agree on a single Standard bearer (Flag bearer), HELLO, Dr. Touray that is what’s exactly happening today. You had so many opportunities to bring your grievances forward, you did NOT. You signed a document but choose to NOT live by its conditions. How anyone could trust you anymore, thank God you were NOT here because you had a good shot at being selected. I can say with authority if she was selected to serve a single term she CANNOT be trusted to live by those conditions as well, after what she just did.

READ: Is War Brewing Between UDP & Dr. Touray's Camp??

Maybe she is NOT done yet, trust me when I say that. She just announced that she’ll support any candidate chosen here but I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Could it be that she only said that after seeing the fury of the DIASPORA? I would NOT rule that out. She seem to be always waiting for a crack to pounce-on, I won’t be surprise a bit if she goes against any candidate who ends up winning today as long as the candidate is NOT Adama Barrow. You know why right? She can always crack that based.

More Analysis coming ...


  1. I like the style and content of your blogs!!! Please keep it up!!!

  2. Thank you Lamin Gano. I got lot of inspirations from your Blog as well. Always a joy to read your articles :)
