Is War Brewing Between UDP & Dr. Touray's Camp??

You don't want to miss the boxing match on the horizon between UDP & the diaspora's favorite darling (Dr. Touray). No kidding, "we'll knock the shit out of each other" says a hardcore UDP supporter lol.

Dr. Touray, a brain child of UDP, is overstaying her welcome and UDP are running out of patients. The Dr's support is 90% sourced from UDP, basically they share the same base. UDP is beginning to realize the Dr's ambition is beyond 2016 elections, she is in it for the long term, hence, if they don't do something now that would be the end of their party. Based on what I have seen recently on social-media, UDP surrogates are not taking that realization lightly, in-fact some UDP surrogates are already showing their discontent towards her and her campaign.

Suntou Touray, a notable UDP supporter has begun throwing punches. In a recent Facebook post, he level allegation against the Independent candidate (Dr. Touray) saying she has been going around the country to court their supporters. To be honest I don’t understand why UDP seems so surprised. Dr. Touray’s candidature came at the heels of UDP’s misfortune when their executives were arrested and sent to jail. To be fair to the doctor she has never hidden the fact that she is after UDP’s supporters and taking over their party.

Just one quick warning to the Dr. You don’t want to mess with UDP lol. They have the most fanatic and rascal supporters in the country, on top of that they are very internet savvy. They dominate Facebook and their language is hardly kind, their attacks are well coordinated and they attack in teams. Don’t believe me, ask GDC lol

One of those hardcore’s is Foday Jawla, a textbook definition of a hooligan but I like him. He never trade-off, he’s very consistent.

He recently level a serious accusation against Dr. Touray, he wrote:

DR TOURAY, UDP is not the problem but Jammeh. The war is between you and Jammeh personally. We also want to remove Jammeh but for another purpose. Not the purpose because he wants to send us out of job." – Foday Jawla
That wasn’t the end. He added:
"We know you never want FGM to be banned in the Gambia. It's a source of income for you. Jammeh by all means wants to see you unemployed. So what is between you and Jammeh is personal and Gambia is more than both of you.” – Foday Jawla

These are serious accusations and I hope Dr. Touray will respond to the allegations, if true, that is a serious bridge of trust. Using the liberation struggles of The Gambians as a new source of income is a serious allegation and Gambians deserves an answer.

Foday Jawla is known to level unfounded allegations in the past especially against GDC and Mamma Kandeh, this could be one of those but I couldn’t stop thinking about the timing of her entrance into the political landscape.

Yes, it true that FGM is now banned in The Gambia and that means the foreign aid/sponsorship for FGM has likely stopped. Which in effect means she would NOT have that money coming her way anymore. Sound fishy to you already? It does to me, so we deserve an answer.

The only way we can find out the truth is for Dr. Touray to come forward and clear the air. We do NOT need another opportunist like Jammeh. No fucking way.

I love a good fight and I can’t wait for this unravel… haha, lol. In the main time, I expect the ONLINE-RADIOs to hammer this question. Get us the answers please.

Do you love a good gossip? Leave me a comment. Xoxo!!
I love you my friends!!

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