What is in a SIGNATURE?

So I woke-up this morning and saw a press release from Dr. Touray’s campaign complaining about the coalition (GOFER) or convention process. She was quick to point out that she signed the GOFER documents to be inline but she doesn’t agree with the proposal/content.

I am trying so hard NOT to criticize any of the OPPOSITION CANDIDATES since elections are getting closer and I do NOT want to havoc damage on any of the candidates, just in-case, they have a shot at defeating Jammeh. I’ll pick any of the opposition than Dictator Jammeh.

However, this is a little troubling to say the least. WHY SIGN A DOCUMENT WHEN YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE CONTENT???????????
When you place your name on any documents, you take personal responsibility for the terms of the document. Any professional will tell you that “Do not sign any document unless you agree with the terms.” Raise all issues, ensure they are addressed before signing anything. Your signature, once placed on a document indicate your full confidence in the workmanship of the document. Your signature means that you have read the agreement, agree to its terms and conditions, intend to enter into the agreement, and are legally authorized and mentally competent to do so. Where are my legal nerds at? Am I wrong? 😊

If anything, I think Mamma Kandeh deserves your apology for all the cruel insults. GDC refuses to sign a document the terms of which they disagree with. Isn’t that the right thing to do?

Beyond the serious lapse of judgement it indicates, there is something fishy about this press release. I suspect Dr. Touray’s campaign is setting the ground-work to go it alone if they do NOT have their way in the coalition talks.

Is Dr. Touray in the GOFER talks only because she thinks she is entitled to the crown and that everything must be handover to her? It is beginning to look so. I suspect very much Dr. Touray will NOT settle for anything but the crown else she’ll go it alone. I will like to see Dr. Touray promise she would NOT stand for elections if the committee decides to go with another candidate.

We owe it to ourselves to hold all Opposition parties to the same expectation and responsibility. I didn't see any of your outrage for this press release. I can’t even imagine how outraged you would be if this was from GDC. Selective justice is fuckup justice lol.

Anyways, we are all in this together, god willing, we shall prevail. We’ll win and our dear country shall be free again.

Leave your comments below.

I love you my friends!!

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