Be selective in your battle, don’t make every problem a war

“Choose your battles wisely. After all, life isn’t measured by how many times you stood up to fight. It’s not winning battles that makes you happy, but it’s how many you turned away and choose to look into a better direction. Life is too short to spend it on warring. Fight only the most, most important ones, let the rest go” ~C. JoyBell C

I wish this was the mantra on this side of the spectrum (or Struggle as you would called it), unfortunately that's NOT the case. Everyone is looking for an opportunity to throw mud at the other or pulling their brother down. You know what I mean, hunting for Ants when the Deer is roaming free.

Couple of days back rumor started spreading that Jammeh is kidnapping kids for rituals, and the news spread like wildfire, everyone freaked out. Parents accompanied their kids to and from school, even prevent them playing outside unattended. It got so serious that the Jammeh government could not ignore the damage it was causing the president and they were forced to issue an official rebuttal through the Police and its media mouthpiece.

A week earlier, Jammeh fired the director of GRTS and arrest couple of journalists for broadcasting the nomination of Mamma Kandeh. The Crowd size was so large that Jammeh got intimidated and worried about the images reaching the voters.

These two events expose Jammeh‘s insecurities and vulnerabilities big time. First you made him overreact and cause friction with his allies and the firing began. Second, think about it folks, do you think anyone worried about Jammeh killing their kids for ritual will cast their vote for him? This is a no-brainer. It was as good a strategy as it gets.

This was good news, you were making an impact. This was the time to re-double your effort and peddle more nonsense against him. But NO! What does strategy mean to the flappable STRUGGLERS? NOTHING. Within few days my friends were busy hunting for silly battles like what Momodou Njai said in a video, am sure that is gonna earn the Opposition more votes, RIGHT? Smh... Am not saying what Momodou Njai utters doesn’t warrant a response but goddamn it, why now, why worry about an Ant-bite when a Lion is try to chew your ass. This isn’t time to worry about anything or anybody but Jammeh.


“Immature people always want to win an argument, event at the cost of a relationship. Mature people understand that it’s always better to lose an argument and win a relationship.” My biggest concern for your Struggle is that it will never be the same again, this election has exposed many of you in a big way.

Okay, am tired and sleepy but I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom. I know some of you will do or say anything for attention-sake but if you wake-up thinking about nothing but to ATTACK Mamma Kandeh or Adama Barrow between now and the elections, you’re as clueless as Dictator Jammeh.

ELECTION GOLDEN RULES (Gorilla war with NO weapons):

  1. Start more RUMOURS about Jammeh.
  2. Try to Destabilize Jammeh as much as possible.
  3. Try to Discredit Jammeh as much as possible.
  4. Stop criticizing Mamma Kandeh.
  5. Stop criticizing Adama Barrow.
  6. Quit seeking cheap-attention.
  7. Focus on the price.

Love you my friends!

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