Humility has a way of slapping the Arrogant on the face lol. All of a sudden reality has caught-up with the mad-dictator and he is scared of the fate he put many families through. He once called the country’s notorious prison (Mile 2) his Five (5) Star Hotel, with a stinky-smile on his face but he is now willing to march his gang of criminals to Annihilation just to avoid the Five-Star hotel we'll be happy to make his home.

Obviously, the only reason he is pushing this madness is because he had the opportunity to reflect on his presidency and he himself isn’t impressed with his performance, so like the typical dictator he is, he is willing to hold the nation at ransom until he cut his sweet deal. Not so fast, Mr. Ex-Dictator.

The funniest of it all, Jammeh might actually end-up getting some leeway and the very people who are currently doing his bidding will be EIGHTY-SIXED at the end. Unfortunately they are too dumb and Pussied (Not English Word) that they do NOT see what is about to happen to them.

Hello Soldier boy! Jammeh is trying to cut a deal to protect himself and his family and preserve his wealth. What are you going to do when the law comes after you? Did you take time to think about that?

  1. Jammeh has a multimillion dollar mansion in the US for his family, where is your foreign mansion?
  2. Jammeh’s Wife is in the US far away from any danger, where is your wife?
  3. Jammeh’s Kids are in the US far away from any danger, where are your kids?
  4. Jammeh has millions stash in banks all over the world for his family, how much is in your account?

So which is it now? Do you want to be a Soldier or a Rebel? What did you sign-up for? Which side are you on; Republic of The Gambia or Republic of Yahya Jammeh? Are you going to defend the State and obey the new Commander-in-Chief (Adama Barrow) or do you want to face ECOWAS/AU/UN/Senegal Military Force on the battle-field?

Soldier Boy! We don’t want to hear YOU'RE JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS. Pick a side now and save your job. We’re running out of fucking patience.

As we speak, Jammeh is preparing for his unknown future and the future of his family. It is clear that he is NOT leaving anything to chance and he’ll do everything to ensure he and his progeny live a comfortable life after his presidency.

What that means for the Gambian People?
With the level of greed Jammeh has delineated throughout his presidency and the personalization of national resources, it is safe to assume that if he haven’t already he is in the process of draining our national coffers for himself and his family. With this in mind I would like to send a powerful message to our government institutions as well as privates entities who have aided and abided Jammeh in his criminal endeavors for the past twenty years. Listen to me carefully. This might be your last opportunity to redeem your sins.

CEOs & MDs of Government Parastatals & The Central Bank:
DO NOT authorize any transfer of money to Jammeh or his surrogates or destroy any traces of such evidence. There is NOTHING Jammeh can do to you that can hurt you at this point, it is very important to know that the balance of power is in your favor. Being fired by Jammeh right now could actually end-up being a blessing for you. I can assure you, Jammeh would NOT fire anybody at this point, he is more worried about what lies ahead for him. If you get any such request I urge you to take the following steps as soon as possible:
  1. Report the matter to the Coalition-Rapid-Response Unit immediately.
  2. Notify the American Embassy immediately.
  3. Notify the UN Resident Representative immediately.
  4. Notify the IGP of Police immediately.
You'll be in safe hands and national hero. For once, stand-up for your country. Be rest assured, Halifa Sallah as V.President (unconfirmed) will dig into every evidence of financial malpractices. This applies to employees as well, if you see any such evidence report as fast as possible.

IGP/Head of Police:
IGP of police if you’re reading this. I want you to listen carefully. Shake-off the slave-mentality as fast as possible. If you’re NOT aware already, you’re more POWERFUL than Jammeh from now on. Jammeh has scared the shit-out-off the security forces but his power has vanished, do not fear anymore. Jammeh is NOT in the business of locking-up people anymore. Please stand tall and grow some balls. The steps you take now will determine whether you keep your job or NOT. I advise you to take the following step as soon as possible if you haven’t already:

  1. Setup a Rapid Response Unit to Investigate and Protect National Resources.
  2. Get all your department behind you and ensure they’re responsive to any such complaints.
  3. Protect all individuals who might be at risk for what they know or control.
Again, I remind you, you’re the head of law enforcement in the country. At this point, Jammeh should be the least person you should fear especially you're getting a new boss next month.

Coalition/New Government:
Confidence is everything and you've failed woefully in this area. Be vocal. You have to start drowning Jammeh’s voice now to give people confidence to stand-up to any illegal request from Jammeh and his enablers. You’ve been very weak in these areas, a strong voice from you will enable the Security forces and Government employees to start changing their mentality. What are you scared off? Quit being petrified, goddamn, you’re the leaders of our country. Don’t let Jammeh control the narratives.

Beef up the COALITION RAPID RESPONSE UNIT fast, get some strong legal minds on-board. Enough with the celebration, leave that to the citizens. Get to work NOW.

Also a day after elections I POSTED on Facebook the need for Adama Barrow to address the NATION as soon as possible, it’s been 4 days what are you waiting for, sir? If NOT anything, you owe a THANK-YOU to the voters and REASSURE the country of your readiness to lead. This is STANDARD, a winner in any elections addresses the electorates/nation within 24 hrs.

Four (4) days after victory you’re flirting with everybody but the Gambian people. We appreciate your interviews with INTERNATIONAL-MEDIAS but where were they when we were going through Jammeh's nightmare? We do not need a celebrity we need a president and enough with the SELFIES with your family too, we don’t care about that either lol. You need to come to speed fast, Mr. Barrow.

Security Forces:
If you’re still in the business of arresting people or carrying out Jammeh’s illegal orders then you’re nothing but a dumb-ass. Come next month he’ll be gone and you’ll face the wrath of your own actions, for the past two decades Jammeh has selfishly used and maltreated you, at this point, you should be worried about you and your family’s future than doing Jammeh’s bidding. OPEN YOUR EYES.

WARNING! If any soldier is thinking about causing mischief, you’re probably the stupidest persons ever. Coup d'etat is over in The Gambia, you had your opportunity to get rid of a dictator, and you did not. Just know one thing, you won’t last a week even if you succeed in your foolish adventure; ECOWAS, AU, Senegal, US and Patriotic Soldiers and Civilians will make sure you spend the rest of your miserable life in a shit-hole. This is a different Gambia, get the memo.
With a month left before you assume the presidency I believe you’ve started building/identifying your executive team, if you haven’t, you’re better off starting now, you don’t have much time. The success or failure of your presidency will very much depend on the people you choose to surround yourself with.

If you’re like President Jammeh you’ll choose TRIBALISM and PRAISE-SINGERS, if you are like President Jawara you’ll choose NEPOTISM and LAZINESS, both are bad choices. What you need is an Administration made up of POLICY-WONKS and TECHNOCRATS instead of BUREAUCRATS and TRUTH-BIAS.

Look for competent professionals with the proper knowledge and track record of success in their fields. I strongly urge you to consider professional in the WEST who have passed through the competitive corporate job-market.

And please can you hire people who can speak ENGLISH, am so tired of listening/watching folks on TV who can’t express themselves in basic English yet they're suppose to head important departments. I love our local languages but ENGLISH is our official language.

I understand every campaign will reward some loyalist for their hardwork, fine, but it is very important to understand that this battle was never about personal interest but national interest. For that reason, you must be willing to take hard stance and be willing to say "NO".

Good luck Mr. President.

Tomorrow, I’ll address a topics very dear to me. Good night!

In memory and spirit of Deyda Hydara’s “Good Morning, Mr. President”, an editorial geared towards holding our LEADERS accountable. Beginning this evening I’ll start my own edition of “Good Evening, Mr. President”.

In about a month Adama Barrow is going to take the helm of power. Good luck, Mr. President elect. I wish you all the best BUT you ain’t gonna get a free pass from Intellectual Bug. I’ll be watching you and your administration closely as it begins to take shape.

We fought too hard to end Jammeh’s dictatorship and you damn right we ain’t gonna let anyone fuck-it-up again. I’ll tap-you-in-the-back when you do RIGHT but I’ll be a pain-in-the-ass if you try anything FUNNY.

If you’re close to Adama Barrow, tell him to keep a close eye on this edition on my blog ( Unlike many already canvassing for positions in the new government, I DO NOT need anything from you sir but to be a good leader for my country of birth. No position in your government can pay my “six figures” Corporate-America salary, just keeping it real. So my interest is Gambia and Gambia only. Period.

Off-course, it won’t all hard-talk, there will be some element of comics and fun but will always keep it 100%.

I wish you all the best Mr. President elect.

Today is the GREATEST day of my life, am sure many of you feel the same. We have just witness one of the most consequential events in the history of our country and The Gambia shall never be the same again.

Today is a day of CELEBRATION and UNITY. There is no “I” today, there is only The Gambia, we all have won. We shall regroup, reorganize and rebuild our nation.

For all those who went out to cast their votes, I say “Thank you”, you have made our democracy better.

Campaign is OVER, get out of that mood fast and refocus to what’s ahead. No bullying, no insults and no fighting.

Jammeh has shown maturity so far by admitting DEFEAT, now he must handover and transition PEACEFULLY.

To the DIASPORA. My people, YOU ROCK. I have never seen people so vested in their Nation like diaspora Gambians. You have NOT voted but you’re the catalyst for all this. We shall be in the HISTORY book. You deserve a full day of REST, go get a MASSAGE, send me the bill lol

ADAMA BARROW, there was just something about this guy. He just makes you believe in something you cannot even explain. He has the calm and temperament to lead us. I have 100% confidence in him. Darboe, will be proud of you today.

MAMMA KANDEH, if the diaspora was the fuel behind the win, Mamma Kandeh was the ultimate catalyst to Jammeh’s defeat. He promise to go after Jammeh’s base and he delivered. This WIN is as much as a results of him as the COALITION. So “THANK YOU” Mamma Kandeh and the whole GDC TEAM, lift your head up high. YOU ROCK.

Finally, remember this word, RECONCILIATION. We are one people, the diaspora must lead from afar. We must show maturity by controlling the narratives towards PEACE and UNITY.

I have never been PROUDER as a Gambian. I Love You, Guys!!!

More articles on the way.

BY: Intellectual Bug
If you’re voting in this election cycle chances are you're (18yrs +) which means you're an adult, I'll treat you like one in this article. I won’t force anything down your throat neither would I call you names simple because you lean towards Jammeh. I hope you realize the choice before you, the decision you make in that ballot-booth will have far reaching consequences, consequences that will affect your generation and even the generation next. So I urge you to NOT take this responsibility lightly. Before I deliberate further let’s put things in perspective, let’s look at the following facts:

In 1993 Bill Clinton became president of the United States, just one year before Jammeh came to power. Since then:
  1. Bill Clinton went on to win and serve TWO terms.
  2. Next George Bush won and serve TWO terms.
  3. Next Obama won and serve TWO terms.
  4. Yet again another president, Donald Trump.
Nigeria had six presidents since Jammeh took over:
  1. General Sani Abacha
  2. General Abdulsalami Abubakar
  3. Olusegun Obasanjo
  4. Umaru Musa Yar'Adua
  5. Goodluck Jonathan
  6. Muhammadu Buhari
Compare this to the Gambia. Folks, it's NOT supposed to be like this. Despite how much appetite you have for Jammeh, would you want him to be president for life? If you do, maybe you're the problem African has been wrangling with. The beauty of Democracy is CHANGE, like many of you I love Obama but guess what he did his best it's time for someone to takeover, period. When presidents are circumscribe to term-limits, they do their best to make an impact before their term ends and the country benefits as a result, but when they stay forever they become TYRANTS.

Folks, we're becoming the laughing-stock of African just the way African is the laughing-stock of the world. Our continent has struggled far too long and it all stems from our lack of will-power to do what's right. We have to start embracing CHANGE and PROGRESS instead of always taking the EASY OPTION. Jammeh has brought some developments in The Gambia but so has Obama, Bill Clinton, Obasanjo and John Kufuor but they stepped-down after two-terms NOT because they want to but because it is the LAW, it's right thing to do. Presidency is a RELAY, you do your part then past the baton to the next person. After 22 years, don't you think we deserve change?

You young man/woman reading this post, you my friend might be president some day if you embrace CHANGE today but if you continue voting for Jammeh, you're becoming the obstacle to your own destiny. Jammeh will stay there until Mariam or Muhammad Jammeh is old enough to takeover from him. If you think that is far away just remember Mariam is 17 years old.

This is your opportunity to stir the direction of your country, there won't be another till 2022, by then Jammeh's kids would have graduated from the most prestigious schools in the United States while for the most of you the best opportunity you'll ever come-across is a Bank-teller job. Be wise, shake-off of the slave mentality. You gave Jammeh over two (2) decades of opportunity, what else can he promise you folks??

Our people are dying in hunger, our young men have abandon the country for lack opportunities. For the first time in generations, many of our sisters will have fewer options of men to marry because majority of them have migrated or died attempting. No one is going to solve our problems but you and I, the power is in our hands. Take charge.

I know the rhetoric's of this elections has been unpleasant, a turn-off with rampant tribalism sometimes but must you make foolish decisions based on the opinion of others?

If you cannot stand Adama Barrow, Mamma Kandeh is there vice-versa. Both gentlemen promised term-limits unlike Jammeh who promise to rule for a billion years. As we speak Jammeh is now one of the longest serving dictators in Africa. Folks, we can do better. This fight is for you, we want the best Gambia for our brothers and sisters. Choose change for your own sake. Choose your destiny. Let's join the civilized world. But we can only do so much, the ball is in your court.



I am NOT the conspiracy type but something is FISHY with this Elections. The level of calmness I have seen from Jammeh is anything but NATURAL. Every indication since the beginning of the year shows that Jammeh cannot win the presidential elections, in-fact it shows one thing, he will lose TERRIBLY. Never has Jammeh faced such resistance and challenge from the Gambian people.

With all these known facts, why is a normally capricious, out-of-control, maniac like Yahya Jammeh doing everything to boost the credibility of the presidential elections? An election likely to boot him out of office under normal circumstances? You and I both know this isn’t Jammeh’s style, if anything he would be unleashing the security forces to suppress, bully and interrupt the Opposition at every turn. Deny them every media access just like in the past elections.

Thus the question becomes; is this president a new person ready to accept Democratic Principles all of a sudden or does Jammeh have a plan off-his-sleeves to ensure he doesn’t lose the elections. I believe in the latter, with Jammeh’s presidency on-the-line and all the troubles a horrible dictator like him is likely to face with a new administration, we should expect he’ll be anything but reasonable and calm. Don't you think so??

READ: Be selective in your battle, don’t make every problem a war

Obviously there is disconnect between our excitement and what is brewing under the hood. I do NOT doubt Alieu Njie of the IEC, if anything I believe he is trying to conduct a fair elections but with the State Mercenary, Wealth and even the Election Resources/Financing under Jammeh’s control, it’s very possible that Jammeh have work-out plans to MANIPULATE the elections that even the IEC is NOT aware of.

The only way you can deny this is to believe that Jammeh is HONEST, am sure even a lunatic knows that 2/3 of what comes out of Jammeh’s mouth is a lie. So why are we NOT putting all our emphasis on this particular THREAT, dig deep into what Jammeh is planning under the hood and sound the alarm on any irregularities. At this hour, I was hoping all our focus will be on Jammeh with the aim that we suffocate his every effort to rig the elections but am afraid it is too little too late.

READ: ENDORSEMENT; Mamma Kandeh or Adama Barrow

So while we are busy beating our chest and tearing each other apart, it is very possible that Jammeh already knows what the RESULTS are, hence his CALM. Maybe, just maybe there is NO elections to fight for after all, it could very well be already done. You know, fighting a losing battle. Maybe we should have done our homework on Jammeh instead of fighting or trying to score points against each-other.

Another LOST opportunity it looks like. SAD!!!

“Choose your battles wisely. After all, life isn’t measured by how many times you stood up to fight. It’s not winning battles that makes you happy, but it’s how many you turned away and choose to look into a better direction. Life is too short to spend it on warring. Fight only the most, most important ones, let the rest go” ~C. JoyBell C

I wish this was the mantra on this side of the spectrum (or Struggle as you would called it), unfortunately that's NOT the case. Everyone is looking for an opportunity to throw mud at the other or pulling their brother down. You know what I mean, hunting for Ants when the Deer is roaming free.

Couple of days back rumor started spreading that Jammeh is kidnapping kids for rituals, and the news spread like wildfire, everyone freaked out. Parents accompanied their kids to and from school, even prevent them playing outside unattended. It got so serious that the Jammeh government could not ignore the damage it was causing the president and they were forced to issue an official rebuttal through the Police and its media mouthpiece.

A week earlier, Jammeh fired the director of GRTS and arrest couple of journalists for broadcasting the nomination of Mamma Kandeh. The Crowd size was so large that Jammeh got intimidated and worried about the images reaching the voters.

These two events expose Jammeh‘s insecurities and vulnerabilities big time. First you made him overreact and cause friction with his allies and the firing began. Second, think about it folks, do you think anyone worried about Jammeh killing their kids for ritual will cast their vote for him? This is a no-brainer. It was as good a strategy as it gets.

This was good news, you were making an impact. This was the time to re-double your effort and peddle more nonsense against him. But NO! What does strategy mean to the flappable STRUGGLERS? NOTHING. Within few days my friends were busy hunting for silly battles like what Momodou Njai said in a video, am sure that is gonna earn the Opposition more votes, RIGHT? Smh... Am not saying what Momodou Njai utters doesn’t warrant a response but goddamn it, why now, why worry about an Ant-bite when a Lion is try to chew your ass. This isn’t time to worry about anything or anybody but Jammeh.


“Immature people always want to win an argument, event at the cost of a relationship. Mature people understand that it’s always better to lose an argument and win a relationship.” My biggest concern for your Struggle is that it will never be the same again, this election has exposed many of you in a big way.

Okay, am tired and sleepy but I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom. I know some of you will do or say anything for attention-sake but if you wake-up thinking about nothing but to ATTACK Mamma Kandeh or Adama Barrow between now and the elections, you’re as clueless as Dictator Jammeh.

ELECTION GOLDEN RULES (Gorilla war with NO weapons):

  1. Start more RUMOURS about Jammeh.
  2. Try to Destabilize Jammeh as much as possible.
  3. Try to Discredit Jammeh as much as possible.
  4. Stop criticizing Mamma Kandeh.
  5. Stop criticizing Adama Barrow.
  6. Quit seeking cheap-attention.
  7. Focus on the price.

Love you my friends!

I receive this question almost daily for the past couple of weeks. This is particularly surprising considering for the longest I have spoken in favor or in defense of Mamma Kandeh’s campaign. Well maybe your question was warranted, my position has changed slightly but NOT the way many of you expect.

First, I would like to clarify that my loyalty is only to the Gambian people. I do NOT care or align myself to any party at-least NOT currently. I have never been very comfortable with labeling myself or giving a blanket support to any group. I like the idea of being independent minded and from day one I have made it clear my motivation is to see Jammeh GONE, period.

Okay, back to the question. WHO I ENDORSE?

I ENDORSE both Mamma Kandeh and Adama Barrow. You probably are cursing me right now, calm down, I’ll explain.

Based on my observation I have come to the conclusion that we do NOT necessarily need these two campaigns to align. To the contrary, we need these two opposition candidates to take on Jammeh. Mamma Kandeh and Adama Barrow do NOT stand in each other’s way, they COMPLEMENT each other.

The above claim is NOT a science, just the way can’t prove the endless claims you have made in this election cycle so can’t I, so let’s get that out of the way lol... but at the end of this article I hope you’ll find my argument compelling and void of bias.

There is a prerequisite to reading this article or resonating with my argument. I request that you remove your American or Western mentality for a minute and start thinking like the average Gambian voter. Your typical uncle in the village is NOT as sophisticated, he might know things are not right but he doesn’t know why it is so at-least NOT to a deeper level as you do. He doesn’t understand how the economy works and if you try to explain, his answer will be “it’s god who put him there and it’s only god who is going to remove him” annoying right? Well you might think about stopping there because if you press further he’ll remind you that Islam says “Respect and obey your leaders” there is just no way to reason with him. Your idea of a president is NOT like his, he call the president “Mansa, Burr” which means King. While you take that name literally he doesn’t, the president is a king who reign over a people.

Another fact, our country do NOT have Tribalism problem in the physical sense but mentally we do. For the most part, we’re inclined to align with our own tribes especially in Politics. You don’t have to look too far, for the majority of you, you just look at yourself. Truth stings but you’ll never admit it. Am NOT saying everybody think like that but majority of you do and the evidence is YOURSELF. So if you’re NOT immune to such backward mentality why would the majority illiterate Gambian voters. Think about that.

Here is my point, there are many Gambians who have had enough of the APRC government and they want a way out but that doesn’t mean they will settle for any party. Many of these people whether Jola, Wollof, Fula, Sarahuleh or others do NOT necessary see UDP as a party that represent them. Let’s call a spade a spade. These people would rather vote APRC than UDP and the coalition means nothing, it carries the identity of UDP its still UDP to them. While we are addressing this topic let me remind you APRC won 72% of the electorates in the last election, guest what, Jammeh was as evil then as he is today.

See where I am I going with this? So for any chance of defeating Jammeh, you need to cut his support considerably. So far, for the past two decades of Jammeh’s rule only Mamma Kandeh has shown signs of making a dent to Jammeh’s support, people like the dude but more importantly they trust him. How long are you going to stay in your bubble? Quit the denial.

On the other hand, you’ve Barrow. An open-minded fellow who have successfully transform UDP into a more appealing and inclusive party since taking over the reign. He probably command the most loyal supporters than any party in the country. Majority of the supporters see UDP as tribal-honor and a sign of defiance against a Jammeh government who threaten to wipe-out their ethnicity (Mandinkas). This was followed by the arrest of the entire UDP executives for no reason other than a peaceful march to request the dead-body of one of their compatriot. So they have an energize base which is in the range on 15% - 20%, I don’t mean total support but base.

It is safe to say that many UDP supporters are angry and rightly so, only an idiot won’t be angry for what is a blatant attack on their identity. UDP supporters are emotionally attached to the party even Adama Barrow spoke about the “Sympathy vote” during the convention so this not my idea. It would be hard to convince their followers to support anybody but their own. If Mamma is selected to lead the Coalition, I doubt they’ll be inclined to support him. I might be wrong here.

The blessing of this election cycle is we have two very strong opposition candidates unlike the past when the field was proliferated with light weights with zero chance of winning. In one hand UDP has been successful in bring the rank-and-file (it’s not an insult) parties into one umbrella giving it a unified front, excellent.

On the other you have Mamma Kandeh who has the support of all those who had enough of the old parties and the Jammeh government. He leads the most diverse support among the opposition and it is no secret that he is more of a household-name than Barrow. While we are at it, just a side joke, I would also like to point out that he is the CUTEST of them all. Don't believe me, ask the ladies lol.

Here is the take-away from this article. If Mamma Kandeh join the Coalition with UDP leading that equates to handing over the elections to Jammeh hands down. All those who left APRC for GDC will return back to APRC, all those who had enough of the old opposition will stay home. Then what you’ll have is Jammeh winning AGAIN over 70% of the votes. This is common sense and I don’t know why majority of you can’t seem to understand this, gosh am getting agitated.

It’s so hard to deal or work with a REACTIVE crowd, YELLING, YELLING, YELLING, when you don’t get your way INSULTS, INSULTS, INSULTS when the frustration climax ask for MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. WTF!

As sad as this sounds, this is the reality of our politics. I urge you to NEVER ignore the concern of a people genuine or NOT. Donald Trump is a perfect example of what happens when you try to force a candidate down people’s throat they don’t want.

Take a CUE !!

I hope this is my final address to the DIASPORA.

In the span of two months my diaspora folks have held over 10 different contradictory positions yet some how you’re always right??? The canting attitude of my colleagues in what is called the STRUGGLE blows my mind, how anyone flip-flops so much so fast yet still maintains credibility is beyond me. Trust me, I do not enjoy lambasting anybody but when are you going to take responsibility for something? It is always somebody's faults, no matter how much you screwed-up.

You created Dr. Touray and call-out anyone who dares raise any concern or any unpleasant opinion of her. You got her pumped, dropped her when she serve no purpose to you anymore. Within a span of 24 hours, all of a sudden she is this horrible, evil woman who works for Yahya Jammeh. WTF!!!

You called her every obnoxious name in the book, reminds me very much of our culture of disrespect towards women. I was stupefied how you could remove yourself from the whole mess and dump it all on her, all of a sudden it’s all her fault. REALLY? We're supposed to believe that? Folks look at the below positions you have peddled within a span of weeks. Read this and ask yourself if this sounds like you.
  1. No to Elections unless Electoral reforms.
  2. Yes to elections but only with an Independent Candidate.
  3. Mamma Kandeh cannot be president because he is not a University graduate.
  4. All parties must rally behind the Independent Candidate (Dr. Touray), she is most educated and the unifier. ENDORSE ENDORSE ENDORSE .
  5. Coalition elect leader Adama Barrow is the man and Dr. Isatou Touray is Greedy, Arrogant, Sour and Bad-tempered woman etc.
Does this sound like you? Be honest to yourself, am sure majority of you will see yourselves in these statements. It doesn’t matter how many times you change your positions somehow everybody must agree and follow. This is what I meant when I said "Groupthink" has swallowed your STRUGGLE.

Take responsibility, quit passing blame on everyone but yourself. It is okay to say “I am wrong” you’re human after all, spare me your Pecksniffian, holier-than-thou attitude, it's nauseating sometimes to say the least. You can't just remove yourself from this mess, you're part of it, you created it. HELLO!

Now you see why I do NOT get along with most of you lol. I am a cool person but I don’t roll like this, I believe in principles not what is popular. This is the same reason I am sticking with Mamma Kandeh until the coalition proves to be more of a treat to removing Jammeh. I would NOT be jumping around candidates just because it makes me fit it.

I hate the fact that at this hour I am even talking about any other person but Yahya Jammeh. I should be aiming my dagger at Jammeh's chest (the power of my pen).

Just remember, you subdued Dr. Touray through bullying, harassment, treats and insults. You never listened or acknowledged her concerns. Does she deserve it? Yes she does. She should have been honest with her intentions from the beginning but she chooses to try to outsmart everyone by using the often naïve, unsophisticated diaspora. Live by the sword die by the sword. Period.

Final point, FOCUS folks, stop spreading endless childish conspiracy theories, Mamma Kandeh is NOT working for or with Jammeh and you know it.

This is the last time I plan to address the Diaspora in my articles before the December elections. My focus will be on that Evil Nincompoop aka Dictator Jammeh. The war is on, from now on, it’s should be all of us against Dictator Jammeh. PEACE!

I love you my friends!!!

The disunity among the Gambian opposition continues. There is no love lost between Dr. Touray and her colleagues on the other side of the spectrum.

In her well awaited press conference, Dr. Touray announced her options are open but around the end of her press conference she made it clear, she is going ahead with the nomination process scheduled next week.

The opposition parties where already struggling to unite the just elected Opposition (GOFER) standard bearer Adama Barrow and the popular Mamma Kandeh. This move by Dr. Touray will NOT make the process any easier.

After what transpired today, it is safe to assume the opposition is nowhere close to finding common-grounds. What's next? is the question everyone is asking but the answer is unlikely to come before elections which is only four weeks away. SAD!

In the past I have been hard on Dr. Touray and those who follow my articles closely will tell you that I have predicted this just few weeks ago. How the Dr. is going to win this war is anyone's guess but the division that ensues will NOT be pretty. I hope all the parties exercise calm, the common enemy is Yahya Jammeh, fighting among us will do NO good to anyone.
What is in a SIGNATURE?
Is War Brewing Between UDP & Dr. Touray

TRUTH is very important for UNITY to prevail, no matter how happy we are about the first of it's kind coalition, we have to admit the process has a lot to be desired. Nowhere on earth has Ghost political parties like GMC and GDPD given powers to determine who heads an opposition coalition. These parties have ZERO supporters, ZERO investments in their parties or on the ground, they don't live in the country, they are NOT eligible to stand for elections and absolutely NO STRUCTURE.

They should never have been part or even close to this process. We must admit the truth, that is the only way forward. Regardless of your opinion of Dr. Touray, she and the other well organized and well invested parties have genuine reasons to be pissed at the flawed coalition process.
READ: How Adama Barrow Succeeded where his Predecessor Failed:
This is a developing story. Complete story coming soon...

Adama Barrow is hardly the smartest in the room, yet despite your perception of him you have to admit he got some tricks off his sleeves. No one was even close, he devoured the rest.

Democracy is a game and Adama played it well.
Was the convention setup FAIR? NO, it wasn’t even close.
Was it democratic? HELL YEAH, it was, it couldn’t be better.

The rules were clear and they agreed to it, ain't no room for bitterness now!

So how did the least smartest of them all end up not only winning in landslide but running away with the trophy? Finding the answer can be easy or hard depending on where you are looking. Before we answer that question first let’s look at what transpired at the convention floor.

Of all the speakers, Adama was the least convincing, he couldn’t deliver a proper motivating speech or whatever you wanna call it even though all he had to do was READ FROM A PAPER lol. I know this is a harsh assessment of Adama considering Dr. Bojang was talking about ALIENS and some super-natural bullshit lol. Can you tell am cracking up right now Lmao.

That guy was funny! He talked about how he talk to God and knows everything that was gonna happen. Such a character lol. To top it all off, he choose to speech in Mandingo only in a multiple lingual setup, "HELLO, YOU'RE A DOCTOR", what a shame, but at-least he was funny and to be honest there wasn’t much expectation of him, he was only there to fill the numbers, nothing more.

But even Dr. Bojangs gaffe couldn’t be comparable to Adama, the dude was ill-prepared, he can literary make you sleep in the middle of making love. Zero excitement factor. Didn’t make eye contact once and the few times he lift his head he looked as he was about to cry lol. He was like a confused kid waiting for instructions lol.

What kinna president will you make if you have to depend on other people to tell you what to do all the times? This is what I call "Zero input = Zero output" lol.

Now let's review the Convention:
The convention was skewed and here is why; the least significant parties ends up being the most significant parties. WTF... I'll explain more below. At-least after what happened you have to commend Mamma Kandeh for being smart enough NOT to be fooled into a trap, he must be feeling vindicated right now. Dr. Touray could have been the same only that she chooses to agree to a flawed process, put her signature on it and decided to bitch about it at the last minute, what a poor judgement. Smdh! Next time, follow that boy Peul. They tried but they couldn’t fool him, uh-uh lol.

UDP is a franchise, that’s what the other parties failed to realize and that’s how Adama played them. UDP, NCP, PPP, GMC, you know what all these parties have in common? They are all under UDP’s umbrella, basically, they’re all UDP. When it matters they all come together. You can add Dr. Touray to that list, only that she was more ambitious than the rest. As you can see, UDP came to the convention with at least 4 times more delegates than the others lol. They knew what was gonna happen, it was already set in stones.
READ: Is Dr. Touray's damage control going to work?
Dr. Touray tried to pull a fast one on UDP, she approached the UDP franchisees but to her surprised she could NOT get them onboard. They were already taken. So Dr. Touray already knew the results before ballots were even casted. She is no fool, why waste resources bringing people to the convention when she already knew what was gonna happen. Can you blame her? Not really.

You can tell Halifa and Ahmad got caught off-guard a little bit, even the often prepared Halifa Sallah wasn’t prepared for such a humiliating defeat. If not anything, you expect Halifa to get at-least 70 votes, right, after all he took 70 delegates to the convention lol. Here is Halifa's problem; he believes in democracy too much, he wasn't the type to cut backroom deals that wasn’t him. He was too naive to expect everyone to play by the same rules.

Ahmad Bah on the other hand, wasn’t very, very interested in the crown, his motivational speech as they call it was nowhere close to asking for votes. He was very general in his speech, perhaps he knew what was happening in the background and what the results where gonna be but he also wasn’t prepared to be beaten by such a wide margin. His acceptance speech tells you all you need to know.

To be fair to Adama Barrow, he has more following than the rest of the pack in the convention. So it is fair that the crown went to UDP, I don't think they would have accepted any less. They deserve it. Now it would have been a whole different ball game if the KING was in the miss, His Excellency Mamma Kandeh.

First, let’s state the facts.
  1. Mamma Kandeh is more popular that Adama Barrow.
  2. More exciting and lovable.
  3. More experience, he was part of the National Assembly and the Pan African Parliament.
  4. Better Orator, speaks better English than both Adama and Isatou.
  5. Head to head with Jammeh, Mamma has a better shot, in-fact an assured win.
  6. Finally, he was right, the game was rigged and he wasn't fooled.
Here is what I like about Adama Barrow; he is a humble fellow. He is reasonable and you can tell he isn't driven by power. That's a good thing, that puts him in a good position to negotiate with Mamma Kandeh. I hope he sees the obvious, he stand little chances in a three way with Jammeh and Kandeh. So I hope he would be allowed to negotiate with Mamma, whatever the outcome, I hope that Mamma Kandeh becomes the face of the Coalition and lead them to the battle field. You don't wanna mess with that guy, he is a LION.

Before I conclude, STOP TALKING SHIT ABOUT DR. TOURAY, she was half right, lol!

More in-depth analysis coming...

From the beginning, it was always clear, for Dr. Touray, it’s was her way or the Highway. Her sincerity and devotion to the coalition was under question from day one. Once it was clear that there is chance that the delegates might go for a different candidate, she began laying the foundation of betrayal. Some of you looked caught off-guard, I was the least surprised. Go read my blog (, I have many articles addressing this topic, I have said she was planning to betray the Coalition.

READ: What is in a SIGNATURE?

Remember, her poor-grammar, error filled public notice few weeks ago, it was all part of a coy to derail the coalitions, unfortunately for her it failed flat. Even the often naïve Strugglers called her out for her poor judgement but she wasn’t done yet.

But why would she. She was the Diaspora’s darling, she wanted it all by herself. She came from the NGO background, very skilled at grabbing money. She was building a political dynasty capable of extracting as much money from foreign sources as possible just like a typical NGO and she wasn’t about to give it all up like that lol. Within few weeks of her candidature, Vanguards (something) some organization based in the US announced they are financially backing Isatou for elections, which by itself is illegal under Gambian constitution but who cares, its money, right! Lol. Go tell that to some other person NOT an NGO lady lol.

Dr. Touray’s only leverage in this elections has always been COALITION, period, nothing more. She entered the race because according to her she wanted to help the Opposition agree on a single Standard bearer (Flag bearer), HELLO, Dr. Touray that is what’s exactly happening today. You had so many opportunities to bring your grievances forward, you did NOT. You signed a document but choose to NOT live by its conditions. How anyone could trust you anymore, thank God you were NOT here because you had a good shot at being selected. I can say with authority if she was selected to serve a single term she CANNOT be trusted to live by those conditions as well, after what she just did.

READ: Is War Brewing Between UDP & Dr. Touray's Camp??

Maybe she is NOT done yet, trust me when I say that. She just announced that she’ll support any candidate chosen here but I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Could it be that she only said that after seeing the fury of the DIASPORA? I would NOT rule that out. She seem to be always waiting for a crack to pounce-on, I won’t be surprise a bit if she goes against any candidate who ends up winning today as long as the candidate is NOT Adama Barrow. You know why right? She can always crack that based.

More Analysis coming ...
Africans have used proverbs to past wisdom from one generations to the next. We love them, especially the funny ones. So we have gather you 40 of the funniest, mostly Nigerian proverbs. You better be ready to laugh because these are super funny.

  1. A person who sells eggs should not start a fight in the market.
  2. No matter how far an eagle flies up the sky, it will definitely come down to look for food.
  3. Respect the fools to avoid noise.
  4. The little opportunity given to a monkey to wear clothes does not guarantee it to join the dining table.
  5. You cannot convince a monkey that honey is sweeter than banana.
  6. No Matter How Hot Your Anger May Be, It Cannot Cook.
  7. Without fools there would be no wisdom.
  8. However much the buttocks are in a hurry, they will always remain behind.
  9. Before you go out with a widow, you must first ask her what killed the husband.
  10. A child can play with its mother's breasts, but not its father's testicles.
  11. There's no virgin in a maternity ward.
  12. It's better to fall from a tree and a break your back than to fall in love and break your heart.
  13. If A Man Wants To Grow A Long Tooth, He Should Have The Lip To Cover it.
  14. An agama lizard in the village will always remain an agama in town.
  15. When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby.
  16. It requires a lot of carefulness to kill the fly that perches on the scrotum.
  17. Na co-operation dey mak rice full for pot.
  18. Person wey madman don bite before if im see mechanic he go take off.
  19. The person who carries an umbrella when the rain stops know how heavy a load he carries.
  20. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
  21. Don’t mistake a short man for a boy.
  22. Anger, no matter how hot it is, can never cook yam.
  23. A goat’s frown cannot stop it from being taken to the market.
  24. A monkey that eats grass instead of banana is a goat.
  25. No matter how far you urinate, the last drop always falls at your feet’.
  26. He who swallows a complete coconut have absolute trust in his anus.
  27. The monkey who tries to see the hunter clearly collects bullets in its eyes.
  28. The sparrow said that since the hunter has learnt how to shoot without missing, it has equally learnt to fly without perching.
  29. Snails don't venture where horned animals gather.
  30. The frowning of a he-goat does not stop it from being priced.
  31. If the sun claims superiority over the moon, let it shine at night.
  32. A hen does not expect warning to hide it's chicks from the kite.
  33. A man does not test the depth of a river with both legs.
  34. A fly perched on the scrotum is gently nudged off...never struck!
  35. A wise fish should know that a beautiful earthworm that looks so easy to swallow, has a sharp hook attached to it.
  36. The okro plant never grows taller than the owner.
  37. The man who fetches firewood infested with insects, invites lizards into his house.
  38. Rat wey follow lizard go swim no sabi say him go remain wet when lizard body don dry finish.
  39. Since all lizards lie on their bellies, one can hardly tell which has stomach ache.
  40. He who swallows a complete coconut have absolute trust in his anus

-Unknown authors

Few days back I wrote an article titled “GDC, thank you for the Goodwill, time to Move-On.” In that article I argue for GDC to move-on from the coalition.

Well I CHANGE my mind. I have reflected on this stance and I cannot defend it, it wasn’t right. We must give the coalition talks a chance, not only give it a chance but participate in it with good faith. Here is the thing, this elections is greater than party and individual. This election is dead or alive for our country and we must do everything within our capacity to ensure success. We must take on Jammeh with all our MIGHT. This cannot be achieve with a fractured opposition, that is my positions.

I have always said “we must all make sacrifices” only through sacrifice can there be a successful coalition. Going to elections with a fractured opposition is not wise and might become an obstacle to defeating Jammeh.

With that said, I also hope the coalition will recognize the efforts and investment Political Parties like GDC have made. Compromise requires honesty. All parties are important but all parties are NOT equal, in that regard please consider the investment parties like GDC, UDP and independent candidate (Dr. Touray) have made. These parties cannot be given the same privileges with ghost parties like GMC, GDPD etc. That ain't right. I also want to emphasize that the coalition must not ignore the popularity of a candidate like Mamma, if you think he got the best shot please allow him to lead. At the end whether he led or not he has a strong leverage with the voters.

Regardless of who lead a final coalition, I believe certain condition must be in place:
  1. The candidate must agree to serve one term and step down.
  2. The candidate can choose to stand for elections a term after they step down.
  3. Whoever leads, whether Dr. Touray or otherwise, they must be given the power to choose their own executive. Allowing other opposition members to fill all cabinet positions might tie the presidents hand hence make the executive branch ineffective.
I am 100% certain that any coalition without GDC will NOT be successful but I also cannot say with certainty that GDC can win if they go it alone, for that reason we need to come together. Final advice, please curb your egos when you meet, negotiate in good faith. Whether it is Mamma, Adama, Isatou or another person I urge all of you to be willing to give-up something, please make the necessary sacrifice. Our country cannot afford another five years of Jammeh rule.

I conclude with a plea for restrain from supporter of all opposition parties. Insult must stop, period. Wassalam!

This is your winning formula period. We go with this, we’ll win. Now, I know some of you might be saying well, this is NOT fair, Adama Barrow should be Vice President considering UDP is the second biggest party (just kidding, I don’t know who is biggest or not), chill read my argument to the end.

Seriously though, I hear you but we need some technocracy in the mix and this is where Halifa will be very effective. Mamma Kandeh has the right type of levelheadedness needed after a Jammeh presidency, he is very good at building winning teams and I have full confident he’ll bring the right type of people to do the job and get rid of the wrong ones (remember the firing of Fakuru Sillah, very decisive).

The biggest challenges for the next republic is to HEAL wounds afflicted by 20 years of APRC misrule. Our country needs to heal and this where Adama Barrow will play a critical role in helping to bring all our people and country back together. He is patient, generous and kind, a wonderful human-being, I trust him to lead this effort.

Dr. Touray is a natural fighter and she hardly quit, she has had many challenges in her career but she never relent. Women, Gender and Development is her passion, I believe she will be very effective in heading and driving these policies.

Lawyer Darboe, a great leader who always believed and fought for Justice. We need strong legal minds to help the country navigate through the mess Jammeh and his tugs left behind. I can’t think of a better person for this role than the old man.

Mr. Jaiteh (master strategist), don’t play with this guy, he is quiet killer. He knows how to rally the troops. No one will do a greater job to lead the youths than this guy.

Mai Fatty? He likes sounding intellectual so hand him over to the press lol.

This a STRONG, WINNING team. It has the mixture of everything. Above all, this will be acceptable to all our electorates (at home). We’ll kick-ass with such strong executive branch. I urge the coalition is consider this before your convention. No one will be satisfied 100%, which is why we all have to make sacrifices.

Agree/Disagree? Let me know what you think.
Happy weekend friends.

You don't want to miss the boxing match on the horizon between UDP & the diaspora's favorite darling (Dr. Touray). No kidding, "we'll knock the shit out of each other" says a hardcore UDP supporter lol.

Dr. Touray, a brain child of UDP, is overstaying her welcome and UDP are running out of patients. The Dr's support is 90% sourced from UDP, basically they share the same base. UDP is beginning to realize the Dr's ambition is beyond 2016 elections, she is in it for the long term, hence, if they don't do something now that would be the end of their party. Based on what I have seen recently on social-media, UDP surrogates are not taking that realization lightly, in-fact some UDP surrogates are already showing their discontent towards her and her campaign.

Suntou Touray, a notable UDP supporter has begun throwing punches. In a recent Facebook post, he level allegation against the Independent candidate (Dr. Touray) saying she has been going around the country to court their supporters. To be honest I don’t understand why UDP seems so surprised. Dr. Touray’s candidature came at the heels of UDP’s misfortune when their executives were arrested and sent to jail. To be fair to the doctor she has never hidden the fact that she is after UDP’s supporters and taking over their party.

Just one quick warning to the Dr. You don’t want to mess with UDP lol. They have the most fanatic and rascal supporters in the country, on top of that they are very internet savvy. They dominate Facebook and their language is hardly kind, their attacks are well coordinated and they attack in teams. Don’t believe me, ask GDC lol

One of those hardcore’s is Foday Jawla, a textbook definition of a hooligan but I like him. He never trade-off, he’s very consistent.

He recently level a serious accusation against Dr. Touray, he wrote:

DR TOURAY, UDP is not the problem but Jammeh. The war is between you and Jammeh personally. We also want to remove Jammeh but for another purpose. Not the purpose because he wants to send us out of job." – Foday Jawla
That wasn’t the end. He added:
"We know you never want FGM to be banned in the Gambia. It's a source of income for you. Jammeh by all means wants to see you unemployed. So what is between you and Jammeh is personal and Gambia is more than both of you.” – Foday Jawla

These are serious accusations and I hope Dr. Touray will respond to the allegations, if true, that is a serious bridge of trust. Using the liberation struggles of The Gambians as a new source of income is a serious allegation and Gambians deserves an answer.

Foday Jawla is known to level unfounded allegations in the past especially against GDC and Mamma Kandeh, this could be one of those but I couldn’t stop thinking about the timing of her entrance into the political landscape.

Yes, it true that FGM is now banned in The Gambia and that means the foreign aid/sponsorship for FGM has likely stopped. Which in effect means she would NOT have that money coming her way anymore. Sound fishy to you already? It does to me, so we deserve an answer.

The only way we can find out the truth is for Dr. Touray to come forward and clear the air. We do NOT need another opportunist like Jammeh. No fucking way.

I love a good fight and I can’t wait for this unravel… haha, lol. In the main time, I expect the ONLINE-RADIOs to hammer this question. Get us the answers please.

Do you love a good gossip? Leave me a comment. Xoxo!!
I love you my friends!!

It is called the Rule of Balance.

Fine words do not produce food” says the Nigerians. You better believe it lol. When our logical mind clashes with our emotional heart 90% of the time our logical mind loses. This phenomenon is because human-beings are emotional animals that is why those of us who keep a close eye on our emotions especially in time of despair tend to be better decision makers.

We all agree that an Opposition Coalition will be the ideal setting, however, I disagree with many of you how we should choose the Flag-bearer. It is my opinion that, many folks here base their support on mere nostalgia and you have romanced this whole process. Listen I get it, it is very easy for us in the diaspora to fall in love with Dr. Touray, she is an incredible and accomplished woman. Not many women of her generation have come close to what she has accomplished. Believe me, I admire her deeply.

"Fine words do not produce food."

However, what we fail to understand is that all these things I have identified above doesn’t matter to your uncle, grandpa, and grandma in the provinces. If it really mattered, we won’t still have Yahya Jammeh as our president today. You see my point? Taking on a dictator requires sleight ingenuity and excitement building. You must be able to get the electorates on your side.

So far, the only excitement I have seen around DR. Touray is from the diaspora. Here is the fact: Dr. Touray is way too serious and un-humorous. She is a crummy/poor Orator, her spoken English is super basic even though her level of education is higher than the rest of the field (I respect that), she don’t SMILE and can’t crack a joke.

Sorry, I am NOT attacking her, this is fact. We have few weeks left, let’s NOT make the mistake of falling victims to our emotions while ignoring basic logic. Dr. Touray gets more publicity than any other candidate yet her crowds are as big as Uncle Halifa’s lol. Why are we ignoring such clear signs??

The only candidates capable of taking on Jammeh are Mamma Kandeh and Adama Barrow. They have proven it with their support base. To be honest I have reservation about Adama as well, I don’t believe he can unite all the demographics in play, but he has a strong BASED who are emotionally attached to UDP. So that makes him a credible and formidable candidate. Mamma Kandeh on the other hand will DEVOUR Jammeh. Before I elaborate, I would like to remind you that Jammeh won over 70% of the VOTES in the last elections and the country was as fuckup THEN as it is NOW, yet he was able to WIN that big.

You see where I am going with this? To win Jammeh, you must dismantle his base. Who other than Mamma Kandeh in the opposition is capable of doing this?? NONE, NADA my friends. Coupled with the fact that he is the most exciting candidate among the rest. Why do you continue to pooh-pooh this?

There is NO second chance folks, this is it. So please hold your horses, take a deep breath and remove the cloud in your eyes. If the rest of the opposition back Mamma, he’ll match into Statehouse, even the Soldiers will cheer him. As we speak, he has dismantled Dictator Jammeh’s base for the first time since 1994, you take him out of the equation they’re all going back to Jammeh or stay home.

If we go with Dr. Touray, I can guarantee Jammeh will win nothing less than 70%. You’re backing a candidate with NO proven strong support based on the ground, somehow, all you care about is she an Independent candidate with a PhD. Folks, forget the nostalgia, this is not about her, it is about the future of our country and an opportunity that doesn’t come very often. So quit the insults and endless shouty-bounty. Give this a thought.

I am NOT your enemy, I am just brave enough to NOT agree with you all the times. My only interest is to get rid of Yahya Jammeh. I hope you see my point, this is NOT about Isatou, Mamma or Adama. This is about the Gambia. I choose Formidable Candidate instead of Independent Candidate, I hope you do too.

Before I conclude, I would like to acknowledge the sacrifices all those speaking-up every day against the dictatorship in The Gambia are making. Our efforts in trying to make Gambia a better country will pay off. The reason I say this is because for the most part I disagree with many of you and it is very easy to construe our disagreement as enmity, nothing could be further from the truth. I might NOT endorse your approach or strategy but I’ll take you any day than those who choose to be mute/ignore the situation in The Gambia. So thumbs-up fellows!!

Please let me know what you think. I love you my friends!!

So I woke-up this morning and saw a press release from Dr. Touray’s campaign complaining about the coalition (GOFER) or convention process. She was quick to point out that she signed the GOFER documents to be inline but she doesn’t agree with the proposal/content.

I am trying so hard NOT to criticize any of the OPPOSITION CANDIDATES since elections are getting closer and I do NOT want to havoc damage on any of the candidates, just in-case, they have a shot at defeating Jammeh. I’ll pick any of the opposition than Dictator Jammeh.

However, this is a little troubling to say the least. WHY SIGN A DOCUMENT WHEN YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE CONTENT???????????
When you place your name on any documents, you take personal responsibility for the terms of the document. Any professional will tell you that “Do not sign any document unless you agree with the terms.” Raise all issues, ensure they are addressed before signing anything. Your signature, once placed on a document indicate your full confidence in the workmanship of the document. Your signature means that you have read the agreement, agree to its terms and conditions, intend to enter into the agreement, and are legally authorized and mentally competent to do so. Where are my legal nerds at? Am I wrong? 😊

If anything, I think Mamma Kandeh deserves your apology for all the cruel insults. GDC refuses to sign a document the terms of which they disagree with. Isn’t that the right thing to do?

Beyond the serious lapse of judgement it indicates, there is something fishy about this press release. I suspect Dr. Touray’s campaign is setting the ground-work to go it alone if they do NOT have their way in the coalition talks.

Is Dr. Touray in the GOFER talks only because she thinks she is entitled to the crown and that everything must be handover to her? It is beginning to look so. I suspect very much Dr. Touray will NOT settle for anything but the crown else she’ll go it alone. I will like to see Dr. Touray promise she would NOT stand for elections if the committee decides to go with another candidate.

We owe it to ourselves to hold all Opposition parties to the same expectation and responsibility. I didn't see any of your outrage for this press release. I can’t even imagine how outraged you would be if this was from GDC. Selective justice is fuckup justice lol.

Anyways, we are all in this together, god willing, we shall prevail. We’ll win and our dear country shall be free again.

Leave your comments below.

I love you my friends!!

You’ve given chance to the 2016 Opposition Coalition talks even though it was clear that it was setup by the very people who have in one way or the other endorsed, cheered or supported UDP & Dr. Touray. Your love for our nation was evident when you gave chance to this concocted coalition talks but remember your obligation is to the Gambia people.
“When someone treats you like an option, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from the equation”
Every step of this process was spurious and phony, I can’t even believe GDC has stayed in the talks this long. It is said, “When someone treats you like an option, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from the equation” it’s that simple.
I am saying this with utmost consciousness, it’s time to move-on. You have investment lot of resources, time and sacrifices to get to the point you’re to be screwed by some half-baked political zilch.
You asked the Gambian people for the mandate to lead, they accepted and put their trust in you. Please do not betray them. The Gambian people are tired of the politics of divisiveness practiced by Jammeh and the old Opposition particularly UDP. GDC revived our hopes that indeed it is possible to be a powerful party without catering to identity politics. The mandate we gave you is powerful and important and you must treat it as such.
Why is this Coalition Skewed?
This is a no-brainer, I don’t even know where to begin. Any coalition where GMC (Mai Fatty) is accorded the same power and privileges as say GDC, UDP, PDOIS and NRP is NOT a serious coalition, period. This is not limited to GMC alone, I used them as an example to put my point across.
GMC, has NO structure, NO Operation, NO intent to Contest Elections in the Gambia. They have never held any serious tour in the Gambia or take their message to Gambians. If elections are today, they would NOT CONTEST. Do you see my point, they are only a party by name. The only reason they’re invited on the table is to tilt the contest in-favor of UDP and Dr. Touray lol, so is NCP, PPP and all them non-sense, ghost political parties.
“Do not let someone get comfortable with disrespecting you”
Elections is few weeks away, the Gambian people are sick and tired of Jammeh. If there is a coalition, fine and dandy but we do NOT need coalition to defeat Jammeh. Together with PDIOS, you’ve the most positive and unifying message, this is why so many of our people of difference tribal identities trusted you.
I advise you to do what is right by the Gambian people not what the Facebook political experts (attention seekers, to be exact lol) wants. Final advice, “Do not let someone get comfortable with disrespecting you” Period. you have to learn to say "NO" without feeling guilty. Setting boundaries is healthy. Go back to the campaign trail, that's where we need you.
Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to all the GDC executives and supporters giving their all in the Gambia. Much respect!!

He roars like a Lion when he speaks yet his words are tender, reassuring and uniting. His smile can melt an ice-rock yet even in the midst of its beauty you can see the authenticity of his heart. Like the typical Gambian, he respect elders but what I admires most is he treats the common raggedy street-vendor or farmer the same way he treats the powerful. He says “US” rather than “ME”, he praise Gambians rather than castigate them. His humility can be seen in every word he utters yet you can see he is ready for the challenge to lead us out of this predicament.

He could have played to our deepest fears and divide us to broaden his support base but he choose the route of PEACE, UNITY and LOVE. They call for REVENGE he calls for RECONCILIATION, they say “THEM” and “US” he says “ALL OF US”. They question his integrity and qualification he prove to be a match beyond their wildness dreams. They made up stories to taint his character but quickly the people saw beyond the hoodwink. They call him poor, they call him rich depending on what suits their narrative but the love for this man is beyond the boundaries of the Gambia now. Senegal said “YES”, the powerful griots of the region are adding power to his name, Salam Jallow said “YES” haha…

He is UNSTOPPABLE. Ladies and gentlemen, his name is Mamma Kandeh. He has taken over the nation ballots haven’t been casted yet. He has exposed Jammeh in a way he never expected, today his government is in disarray, his royalist are beginning to see the writing on the wall. The wave of change swinging in Banjul is moving so fast, so strong, Jammeh is losing control and he is running out of ideas. His royalist are abandoning him, this hurricane is too strong to stop. CHANGE IS COMING!

Jammeh, the dictator, the master manipulator though he was smarter than all but his mum lied to him, he was living in fantasy land. Now he is beaten at his own game, Jammeh known to use the security forces for his personal gain CANNOT seem to have them help him stop Mamma-Mia.

My friends, Intellectualism and Politics are NOT the same. Mamma Kandeh is a politician, he knows Jammeh’s weaken and he exploited it without mercy. When he began his campaign he called on the Security Forces to rally behind him, he made a personal promise and it worked. It was a no-brainer, protect Jammeh he continue to use you then dump you or be on the side of the Gambians and I have a nice package for you lol. It is working.

Now that Dr. Touray’s campaign seem to be dying and the excitement fading away fast, I urge all to rally behind the one man capable of stopping Yahya Jammeh. I respect Dr. Touray but this NOT her year, The Gambian people are NOT ready for her. The heart can only love one person at a time and our HEART has been snatch by MAMMA-MIA. I urge all of them to endorse Mamma, it’s the right thing to do. We got about two (2) months to elections.

Let me know what you think. Seriously, I love you my friends :)

GDC’s campaign this year will go down in history as one of the most organized and effective campaigns in modern times. The only other campaigns it reminds me are: Macky Sall (Senegal), Barack Obama (USA), Donald Trump (USA, at-least in the primaries), no one foresaw any of these personals launching a successful bid to the presidency but they did and they did it in style.

In one of my earlier post here I argued “I do not measure leadership by the amount of degrees one has.” I have been vindicated by Mamma Kandeh. The truth is I do NOT want a president who thinks he can solve every problem or an expert in every subject just like dictator Jammeh. A good leader is one who have the vision to assemble the right people to do the job. This is what make Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg transformative and great leaders even though none of them are University Graduates. They knew how to leverage the talents of people smarter than themselves and assemble winning teams. Tina Fey in her autobiography said “In most cases being a good boss means hiring talented people and then getting out of their way.” Steve Job also once famously said "It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to.” This is what leaders do.

This morning one of my friends (Demba N. Njie) pointed out that Mamma was wrong to choose Mr. Jaiteh as his deputy. His reasoning, Mr. Jaiteh wasn’t well known by the people to warrant such a high profile role. I beg to defer, in-fact Mr. Jaiteh is probably the best deputy one can ever dream of. "Confidence Is Quiet and Insecurity Is Loud" said - Dr. Karin Luise. You do not need a deputy with star power equal to yours, a deputy is the one who rallies the troops, do the dirty work in the background and handles the day-to-day operations. Looking at how the campaign is unravelling he must be doing a damn good job.

GDC's success lies in their mastery of interpersonal relationship, the house to house campaign strategy and their outreach-committees in almost every town is a master class. This is one of their secret sauce and according to information on the GDC Facebook page it looks like this is spearheaded by Mr. Jaiteh. What an effort.

Being deputy of the party does not necessarily mean he will be the vice president when GDC wins, these are totally different roles. Just saying.

Firing Facuru Sillah was probably the first RIGHT thing GDC did, when a teammate don’t want to play ball with the troops fire him immediately, else he’ll bring morals down which eventually causes more problems. You’re NOT entitle to anything, earn it, period. His temper-tantrums after being fired, going around radio stations trashing his former boss, leaking information and documents shows that he wasn’t the right fit from the beginning. If you’re guessing I hate WHINNY people lol. Sorry my friend.

In the next couple of days I will begin a series of recommendations I believe are the right next steps for GDC as it enter the next phase of campaigning.

You have a good night my friends. Seriously, I love you!!