Congratulations to UDP for the smooth transfer of Power:

It was refreshing to see UDP choose a new leader in a transparent and open manner. That’s what democracy is, like or disesteem UDP, transfer of power is NOT a thing Gambians are accustomed to so I am very pleased with this move.

But more pleasing was choosing their leader without succumbing to pressure from their diaspora supporters. They choose the leader they believe best represent their values not some celebrity to please their diaspora supporters 1000s of miles away. All the information I have read about Adama Barrow so far indicates he is a decent, honorable man, a lifelong UDP supporter who stood by the party through trial and tribulations.

Not looking angry is a big plus for me.

It appears UDP has finally learned its lesson and they are beginning to keep their diaspora supporters at arms-length. You cannot let bunch of CAREGIVERS and GAS STATION ATTENDANTS be your policy makers and drive your agenda. They will lead you astray if you do, the predicament UDP’s executives are currently in was no one’s fault but the drama hungry, attention hungry, emotion driven, Facebook political-experts or nonentities to be exact.

I believe in demonstration but NOT the one born out of no-plan, no preparation but mere emotions. Today Darboe and Co. are in jail but the very people who push them to this mess have almost all abandon the party and join the new cool thing (Dr. Isatou Touray). Shame on you.

Anyways, this is supposed to be about Adama Barrow, I kinna like the man for some reasons. I hope he’ll join forces with Mamma Kandeh, together they have a serious shot at removing dictator Jammeh. You must be blind to NOT see that The Gambian people (the real voters) have made up their mind, the chosen one is Mamma Kandeh. Mamma is the one to lead them out of this mess. Any coalition without Mamma Kandeh on top is a waste of time, his crowd is enough to tell you all you need to know. I have esteem respect for Dr. Touray but it appears she is making the same mistake UDP made when they put more emphasis on the diaspora than the people on the ground. I hope her surrogates are reading this and taking note, this election is NOT gonna be won by pampering to the diaspora, NOPE, but the common, raggedy, poor voter in The Gambia period.

Welcome Adama Barrow. I hope your tenure as UDP’s leader will help broaden the party’s base and help drive unity among our people.

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