Finally, finally, COALITION is here:

This is your winning formula period. We go with this, we’ll win. Now, I know some of you might be saying well, this is NOT fair, Adama Barrow should be Vice President considering UDP is the second biggest party (just kidding, I don’t know who is biggest or not), chill read my argument to the end.

Seriously though, I hear you but we need some technocracy in the mix and this is where Halifa will be very effective. Mamma Kandeh has the right type of levelheadedness needed after a Jammeh presidency, he is very good at building winning teams and I have full confident he’ll bring the right type of people to do the job and get rid of the wrong ones (remember the firing of Fakuru Sillah, very decisive).

The biggest challenges for the next republic is to HEAL wounds afflicted by 20 years of APRC misrule. Our country needs to heal and this where Adama Barrow will play a critical role in helping to bring all our people and country back together. He is patient, generous and kind, a wonderful human-being, I trust him to lead this effort.

Dr. Touray is a natural fighter and she hardly quit, she has had many challenges in her career but she never relent. Women, Gender and Development is her passion, I believe she will be very effective in heading and driving these policies.

Lawyer Darboe, a great leader who always believed and fought for Justice. We need strong legal minds to help the country navigate through the mess Jammeh and his tugs left behind. I can’t think of a better person for this role than the old man.

Mr. Jaiteh (master strategist), don’t play with this guy, he is quiet killer. He knows how to rally the troops. No one will do a greater job to lead the youths than this guy.

Mai Fatty? He likes sounding intellectual so hand him over to the press lol.

This a STRONG, WINNING team. It has the mixture of everything. Above all, this will be acceptable to all our electorates (at home). We’ll kick-ass with such strong executive branch. I urge the coalition is consider this before your convention. No one will be satisfied 100%, which is why we all have to make sacrifices.

Agree/Disagree? Let me know what you think.
Happy weekend friends.

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