GDC should return to the negotiation table

Few days back I wrote an article titled “GDC, thank you for the Goodwill, time to Move-On.” In that article I argue for GDC to move-on from the coalition.

Well I CHANGE my mind. I have reflected on this stance and I cannot defend it, it wasn’t right. We must give the coalition talks a chance, not only give it a chance but participate in it with good faith. Here is the thing, this elections is greater than party and individual. This election is dead or alive for our country and we must do everything within our capacity to ensure success. We must take on Jammeh with all our MIGHT. This cannot be achieve with a fractured opposition, that is my positions.

I have always said “we must all make sacrifices” only through sacrifice can there be a successful coalition. Going to elections with a fractured opposition is not wise and might become an obstacle to defeating Jammeh.

With that said, I also hope the coalition will recognize the efforts and investment Political Parties like GDC have made. Compromise requires honesty. All parties are important but all parties are NOT equal, in that regard please consider the investment parties like GDC, UDP and independent candidate (Dr. Touray) have made. These parties cannot be given the same privileges with ghost parties like GMC, GDPD etc. That ain't right. I also want to emphasize that the coalition must not ignore the popularity of a candidate like Mamma, if you think he got the best shot please allow him to lead. At the end whether he led or not he has a strong leverage with the voters.

Regardless of who lead a final coalition, I believe certain condition must be in place:
  1. The candidate must agree to serve one term and step down.
  2. The candidate can choose to stand for elections a term after they step down.
  3. Whoever leads, whether Dr. Touray or otherwise, they must be given the power to choose their own executive. Allowing other opposition members to fill all cabinet positions might tie the presidents hand hence make the executive branch ineffective.
I am 100% certain that any coalition without GDC will NOT be successful but I also cannot say with certainty that GDC can win if they go it alone, for that reason we need to come together. Final advice, please curb your egos when you meet, negotiate in good faith. Whether it is Mamma, Adama, Isatou or another person I urge all of you to be willing to give-up something, please make the necessary sacrifice. Our country cannot afford another five years of Jammeh rule.

I conclude with a plea for restrain from supporter of all opposition parties. Insult must stop, period. Wassalam!

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