How Adama Barrow Succeeded where his Predecessor Failed:

Adama Barrow is hardly the smartest in the room, yet despite your perception of him you have to admit he got some tricks off his sleeves. No one was even close, he devoured the rest.

Democracy is a game and Adama played it well.
Was the convention setup FAIR? NO, it wasn’t even close.
Was it democratic? HELL YEAH, it was, it couldn’t be better.

The rules were clear and they agreed to it, ain't no room for bitterness now!

So how did the least smartest of them all end up not only winning in landslide but running away with the trophy? Finding the answer can be easy or hard depending on where you are looking. Before we answer that question first let’s look at what transpired at the convention floor.

Of all the speakers, Adama was the least convincing, he couldn’t deliver a proper motivating speech or whatever you wanna call it even though all he had to do was READ FROM A PAPER lol. I know this is a harsh assessment of Adama considering Dr. Bojang was talking about ALIENS and some super-natural bullshit lol. Can you tell am cracking up right now Lmao.

That guy was funny! He talked about how he talk to God and knows everything that was gonna happen. Such a character lol. To top it all off, he choose to speech in Mandingo only in a multiple lingual setup, "HELLO, YOU'RE A DOCTOR", what a shame, but at-least he was funny and to be honest there wasn’t much expectation of him, he was only there to fill the numbers, nothing more.

But even Dr. Bojangs gaffe couldn’t be comparable to Adama, the dude was ill-prepared, he can literary make you sleep in the middle of making love. Zero excitement factor. Didn’t make eye contact once and the few times he lift his head he looked as he was about to cry lol. He was like a confused kid waiting for instructions lol.

What kinna president will you make if you have to depend on other people to tell you what to do all the times? This is what I call "Zero input = Zero output" lol.

Now let's review the Convention:
The convention was skewed and here is why; the least significant parties ends up being the most significant parties. WTF... I'll explain more below. At-least after what happened you have to commend Mamma Kandeh for being smart enough NOT to be fooled into a trap, he must be feeling vindicated right now. Dr. Touray could have been the same only that she chooses to agree to a flawed process, put her signature on it and decided to bitch about it at the last minute, what a poor judgement. Smdh! Next time, follow that boy Peul. They tried but they couldn’t fool him, uh-uh lol.

UDP is a franchise, that’s what the other parties failed to realize and that’s how Adama played them. UDP, NCP, PPP, GMC, you know what all these parties have in common? They are all under UDP’s umbrella, basically, they’re all UDP. When it matters they all come together. You can add Dr. Touray to that list, only that she was more ambitious than the rest. As you can see, UDP came to the convention with at least 4 times more delegates than the others lol. They knew what was gonna happen, it was already set in stones.
READ: Is Dr. Touray's damage control going to work?
Dr. Touray tried to pull a fast one on UDP, she approached the UDP franchisees but to her surprised she could NOT get them onboard. They were already taken. So Dr. Touray already knew the results before ballots were even casted. She is no fool, why waste resources bringing people to the convention when she already knew what was gonna happen. Can you blame her? Not really.

You can tell Halifa and Ahmad got caught off-guard a little bit, even the often prepared Halifa Sallah wasn’t prepared for such a humiliating defeat. If not anything, you expect Halifa to get at-least 70 votes, right, after all he took 70 delegates to the convention lol. Here is Halifa's problem; he believes in democracy too much, he wasn't the type to cut backroom deals that wasn’t him. He was too naive to expect everyone to play by the same rules.

Ahmad Bah on the other hand, wasn’t very, very interested in the crown, his motivational speech as they call it was nowhere close to asking for votes. He was very general in his speech, perhaps he knew what was happening in the background and what the results where gonna be but he also wasn’t prepared to be beaten by such a wide margin. His acceptance speech tells you all you need to know.

To be fair to Adama Barrow, he has more following than the rest of the pack in the convention. So it is fair that the crown went to UDP, I don't think they would have accepted any less. They deserve it. Now it would have been a whole different ball game if the KING was in the miss, His Excellency Mamma Kandeh.

First, let’s state the facts.
  1. Mamma Kandeh is more popular that Adama Barrow.
  2. More exciting and lovable.
  3. More experience, he was part of the National Assembly and the Pan African Parliament.
  4. Better Orator, speaks better English than both Adama and Isatou.
  5. Head to head with Jammeh, Mamma has a better shot, in-fact an assured win.
  6. Finally, he was right, the game was rigged and he wasn't fooled.
Here is what I like about Adama Barrow; he is a humble fellow. He is reasonable and you can tell he isn't driven by power. That's a good thing, that puts him in a good position to negotiate with Mamma Kandeh. I hope he sees the obvious, he stand little chances in a three way with Jammeh and Kandeh. So I hope he would be allowed to negotiate with Mamma, whatever the outcome, I hope that Mamma Kandeh becomes the face of the Coalition and lead them to the battle field. You don't wanna mess with that guy, he is a LION.

Before I conclude, STOP TALKING SHIT ABOUT DR. TOURAY, she was half right, lol!

More in-depth analysis coming...

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