Mamma Kandeh has passed the first leadership test:

GDC’s campaign this year will go down in history as one of the most organized and effective campaigns in modern times. The only other campaigns it reminds me are: Macky Sall (Senegal), Barack Obama (USA), Donald Trump (USA, at-least in the primaries), no one foresaw any of these personals launching a successful bid to the presidency but they did and they did it in style.

In one of my earlier post here I argued “I do not measure leadership by the amount of degrees one has.” I have been vindicated by Mamma Kandeh. The truth is I do NOT want a president who thinks he can solve every problem or an expert in every subject just like dictator Jammeh. A good leader is one who have the vision to assemble the right people to do the job. This is what make Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg transformative and great leaders even though none of them are University Graduates. They knew how to leverage the talents of people smarter than themselves and assemble winning teams. Tina Fey in her autobiography said “In most cases being a good boss means hiring talented people and then getting out of their way.” Steve Job also once famously said "It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to.” This is what leaders do.

This morning one of my friends (Demba N. Njie) pointed out that Mamma was wrong to choose Mr. Jaiteh as his deputy. His reasoning, Mr. Jaiteh wasn’t well known by the people to warrant such a high profile role. I beg to defer, in-fact Mr. Jaiteh is probably the best deputy one can ever dream of. "Confidence Is Quiet and Insecurity Is Loud" said - Dr. Karin Luise. You do not need a deputy with star power equal to yours, a deputy is the one who rallies the troops, do the dirty work in the background and handles the day-to-day operations. Looking at how the campaign is unravelling he must be doing a damn good job.

GDC's success lies in their mastery of interpersonal relationship, the house to house campaign strategy and their outreach-committees in almost every town is a master class. This is one of their secret sauce and according to information on the GDC Facebook page it looks like this is spearheaded by Mr. Jaiteh. What an effort.

Being deputy of the party does not necessarily mean he will be the vice president when GDC wins, these are totally different roles. Just saying.

Firing Facuru Sillah was probably the first RIGHT thing GDC did, when a teammate don’t want to play ball with the troops fire him immediately, else he’ll bring morals down which eventually causes more problems. You’re NOT entitle to anything, earn it, period. His temper-tantrums after being fired, going around radio stations trashing his former boss, leaking information and documents shows that he wasn’t the right fit from the beginning. If you’re guessing I hate WHINNY people lol. Sorry my friend.

In the next couple of days I will begin a series of recommendations I believe are the right next steps for GDC as it enter the next phase of campaigning.

You have a good night my friends. Seriously, I love you!!

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