Hello friends! Happy first day of FALL, I hope y ’all had a wonderful SUMMER. I did, I spent lot of time at the beach and got to see lot of naked BBBs, so I can’t complain lol.

Moving-on. If you’re a Gambian journalist in the diaspora the news couldn’t be juicier. The brouhaha emanating from the Gambia is so much that it is exhausting. I can’t think of a better word/phrase to describe what is happening to Jammeh and his thug government than to borrow the title from Chinua Achebe’s famous post-colonial novel “Things Falling Apart”.

That is what’s exactly happening to Dictator Jammeh’s government. If you have been observant keenly as I am, you would notice that Jammeh is slowly but progressively losing control of his troops. There is problem in Banjul.

They were obedient, they act like dogs, they do not question anything they just execute orders. Something changed though, when UDP supporters decided to demonstrate without giving a fuck, there was no military presence. The paramilitary/police at the scene did something they normally wouldn’t do i.e. stand still and refuse to exert violence on the demonstrators. We all know what a typical Jammeh response would be in similar situations, he’ll unleash his animals to quash the demonstration without mercy. Not this time, it appears no one was willing to go that far for him.

Ousman Sonko was one of the dictator’s most royal dog who made it to the top by his willingness to consummate/mastermind heinous crimes for his master but no more. He, like many Gambians has seen the writing on the wall. Jammeh, who is in it for only himself, his rule is nearing its end. The Gambian people have enough of his master’s government and he knows it, he COULD NOT dismissed the CROWD behind the opposition particularly Mamma Kandeh. This time, he decided to do the right thing, say “No” to Dictator Jammeh and bail. He was tired of perpetrating crimes for the master when he is just as disposable as his victims. “Hungry but too late to eat” He has committed so much crime against Gambians that he would NEVER live in peace ever again. I DO NOT feel sorry for him at all, “Live by the sword die by the sword”.

Before I conclude, I have some advice for my fellow Gambians in the diaspora. We must handle this situation delicately. Running around town hunting for Ousman Sonko is foolish and misguided. You should know better. You live in a democratic country, and you do not solve problems through confrontation and drama. If you want to expose Sonko’s crimes and complicate his asylum application you must tender vivid and legit proves of his crimes. Follow the law fellows. As bad as Sonko may be, he has rights and the Swedish government will protect them unless you provide them with a reason (in this case, a PROVE). If you do NOT want him to get his way, start gathering evidence and take your case to the proper channels. Anyways, I admire the determination and courage of all those trying hard to bring Sonko’s to task, he deserve to be exposed.

I am happy to be finally posting after some break. I got lot on my mind so look-out for more post in the coming days. Seriously, I love you my friends!!

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