Tribute to the NONPAREIL!

The ultimate sacrifice! Some memories shall never die! They gave everything! Those who gave up their lives for their country should be remembered forever. They were soldiers, they never bow away from their duties, they were called to serve and serve they did.

Sometimes I wonder why a man would give some much, give everything. Answers you can never find until you look at the questions.

It was a poor nation but a happy one, neighbors were not only neighbors but families. A crime as little as knife stabbing from one corner of the country would be heard in the other corner of the country, that’s how rare violence was. The people were peaceful and happy so much that the country was sobriquet “Gambia No Problem” :) It wasn’t a utopian country neither a perfect democracy but it was ahead of its peers in the African continent in terms of respect for the rule of law.

They could have easily ignored the plight of their people, they live beautiful lives in the WEST, beautiful families. But NO SIR, that wasn’t them. They were haggard of seeing the tears of their parents, neighbors, friends, families. The country they dearly loved was not the same anymore and it wasn’t getting any better. The country was kidnapped by a mad dictator, WHAT WOULD A SOLDIER DO???

If I knew any of them, I would have talked them out of it. They were climbing a mountain the height of which I could never stand. Your plan was not perfect. I do not agree with what you did but I understand every bit of it. You’re NO criminals, sir!

We have so much disunity among us but there is one thing we can never, ever do; FORGET THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR YOU AND ME. Their memories should be alive, every child born for the next century should know their story.

Your memories remain, you challenge us to never give-up. A soldier is down, our hearts are full. PERMISSION SIR.

The day will come when you’ll be celebrated, your NAMES will be raised to the highest peak and on that day, your sons, your daughters, your wives, parents, families and friends will hear the real stories. You were NO cowards. Until we meet again, PERMISSION SIR!!

December 30th, brave sons of our land gave it all.

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