What we learn from UDP’s Rally

It was refreshing to see UDP get their swag back. After a turbulence couple of weeks, seeing so many people out to show solidarity with UDP was the right response. The people of The Gambia made it very clear to Dictator Jammeh that they are not scared, they do not give a fuck and he can kiss their ass. How can that NOT make your day? I am all smiles.

For many years we allowed Jammeh to do whatever he wants fancy-free, just saying Jammeh’s name send shivers down people’s spine. We were made to believe Jammeh was God, but as you can see the more we are recalcitrant the less powerful he gets. This trend must continue speak your mind fellows, be engage. Gambia is your country, do not let anyone take away your God given right.

As happy as I was about the UDP rally, I was amazed by the response of Gambians in the diaspora. Once I was asked what did you learned from college “to think critically” I said, period, nothing more and nothing less. When someone ask you such questions they expect you to be all technical and flashy but University was meant to make you open your horizon, to see beyond the surface, to be independent minded, to be brave enough to say NO even when everyone says YES, basically to think CRITICALLY. If you do not, your education is as good as nothing.

They told me they want to BOYCOTT the elections, oh boy, did they. That was until yesterday, all of a sudden they want election now but with a catch, everyone must sync behind the UDP flag bearer. A noun that doesn’t even exist. Wonders shall never end, to be honest I was never surprised, it was just a matter of time.

Yesterday also taught me one other thing, I was right to believe that MAMMA KANDEH is the right person to take on Jammeh. The crowd we saw was beautiful, you cannot dismiss that, what was also truth is that it was not an ORGANIC crowd like MAMMA KANDEH’s. I hate to use this word but the crowd was a MANUFACTURED CROWN, throwing empty buzzwords is not my thing, I’ll defend my position.

This meeting was a call for all UDP supporters all over the country to converge at ONE PLACE (a friendly territory). This was the first meeting since the arrest of UDP’s executives, as you can imagine EMOTIONS are high, people want to show solidarity and be defiant. No one expected a crowd any less.

Could UDP pull the kind of crowd we saw in MAMMA KANDEH’s tour throughout the country? LIKELY NOT. Btw… We cannot forget the generosity of the diaspora drumbeaters, almost all radio stations (Except Freedom Radio), all online forums including my fav “Gambia Youth & Women Forum” was full of calls for people to come out. Was their motivation to pull a large crowd so they can compare it with MAMMA’s crowd? Well you said that not me lol.

The way I see things, the wave is in MAMMA’s favor, his charisma is a killer, he is a better orator than the rest and his message resonates with the masses. He alone can pull the kind of crowd we saw nationwide. I can’t emphasize enough how much I like his dismissive tone when he speaks about the APRC, lol, it’s fucking awesome. It just makes me love him more.

Anyways, I have to wrap up, but I want to say this last point, the YOUTHS have chosen MAMMA KANDEH, if you do NOT want Dictator Jammeh to continue as your president we must rally behind the fresh blood. Do not underestimate the power of a fresh blood, Macky Sall of Senegal and Barack Obama of America are great reference. Seriously, I love you my friends. Adios!!

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