BREAKING NEWS: It's official, Dr. Touray is going solo as Independent Candidate.

The disunity among the Gambian opposition continues. There is no love lost between Dr. Touray and her colleagues on the other side of the spectrum.

In her well awaited press conference, Dr. Touray announced her options are open but around the end of her press conference she made it clear, she is going ahead with the nomination process scheduled next week.

The opposition parties where already struggling to unite the just elected Opposition (GOFER) standard bearer Adama Barrow and the popular Mamma Kandeh. This move by Dr. Touray will NOT make the process any easier.

After what transpired today, it is safe to assume the opposition is nowhere close to finding common-grounds. What's next? is the question everyone is asking but the answer is unlikely to come before elections which is only four weeks away. SAD!

In the past I have been hard on Dr. Touray and those who follow my articles closely will tell you that I have predicted this just few weeks ago. How the Dr. is going to win this war is anyone's guess but the division that ensues will NOT be pretty. I hope all the parties exercise calm, the common enemy is Yahya Jammeh, fighting among us will do NO good to anyone.
What is in a SIGNATURE?
Is War Brewing Between UDP & Dr. Touray

TRUTH is very important for UNITY to prevail, no matter how happy we are about the first of it's kind coalition, we have to admit the process has a lot to be desired. Nowhere on earth has Ghost political parties like GMC and GDPD given powers to determine who heads an opposition coalition. These parties have ZERO supporters, ZERO investments in their parties or on the ground, they don't live in the country, they are NOT eligible to stand for elections and absolutely NO STRUCTURE.

They should never have been part or even close to this process. We must admit the truth, that is the only way forward. Regardless of your opinion of Dr. Touray, she and the other well organized and well invested parties have genuine reasons to be pissed at the flawed coalition process.
READ: How Adama Barrow Succeeded where his Predecessor Failed:
This is a developing story. Complete story coming soon...

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