Doomsday Election. What's at stake??

If you’re voting in this election cycle chances are you're (18yrs +) which means you're an adult, I'll treat you like one in this article. I won’t force anything down your throat neither would I call you names simple because you lean towards Jammeh. I hope you realize the choice before you, the decision you make in that ballot-booth will have far reaching consequences, consequences that will affect your generation and even the generation next. So I urge you to NOT take this responsibility lightly. Before I deliberate further let’s put things in perspective, let’s look at the following facts:

In 1993 Bill Clinton became president of the United States, just one year before Jammeh came to power. Since then:
  1. Bill Clinton went on to win and serve TWO terms.
  2. Next George Bush won and serve TWO terms.
  3. Next Obama won and serve TWO terms.
  4. Yet again another president, Donald Trump.
Nigeria had six presidents since Jammeh took over:
  1. General Sani Abacha
  2. General Abdulsalami Abubakar
  3. Olusegun Obasanjo
  4. Umaru Musa Yar'Adua
  5. Goodluck Jonathan
  6. Muhammadu Buhari
Compare this to the Gambia. Folks, it's NOT supposed to be like this. Despite how much appetite you have for Jammeh, would you want him to be president for life? If you do, maybe you're the problem African has been wrangling with. The beauty of Democracy is CHANGE, like many of you I love Obama but guess what he did his best it's time for someone to takeover, period. When presidents are circumscribe to term-limits, they do their best to make an impact before their term ends and the country benefits as a result, but when they stay forever they become TYRANTS.

Folks, we're becoming the laughing-stock of African just the way African is the laughing-stock of the world. Our continent has struggled far too long and it all stems from our lack of will-power to do what's right. We have to start embracing CHANGE and PROGRESS instead of always taking the EASY OPTION. Jammeh has brought some developments in The Gambia but so has Obama, Bill Clinton, Obasanjo and John Kufuor but they stepped-down after two-terms NOT because they want to but because it is the LAW, it's right thing to do. Presidency is a RELAY, you do your part then past the baton to the next person. After 22 years, don't you think we deserve change?

You young man/woman reading this post, you my friend might be president some day if you embrace CHANGE today but if you continue voting for Jammeh, you're becoming the obstacle to your own destiny. Jammeh will stay there until Mariam or Muhammad Jammeh is old enough to takeover from him. If you think that is far away just remember Mariam is 17 years old.

This is your opportunity to stir the direction of your country, there won't be another till 2022, by then Jammeh's kids would have graduated from the most prestigious schools in the United States while for the most of you the best opportunity you'll ever come-across is a Bank-teller job. Be wise, shake-off of the slave mentality. You gave Jammeh over two (2) decades of opportunity, what else can he promise you folks??

Our people are dying in hunger, our young men have abandon the country for lack opportunities. For the first time in generations, many of our sisters will have fewer options of men to marry because majority of them have migrated or died attempting. No one is going to solve our problems but you and I, the power is in our hands. Take charge.

I know the rhetoric's of this elections has been unpleasant, a turn-off with rampant tribalism sometimes but must you make foolish decisions based on the opinion of others?

If you cannot stand Adama Barrow, Mamma Kandeh is there vice-versa. Both gentlemen promised term-limits unlike Jammeh who promise to rule for a billion years. As we speak Jammeh is now one of the longest serving dictators in Africa. Folks, we can do better. This fight is for you, we want the best Gambia for our brothers and sisters. Choose change for your own sake. Choose your destiny. Let's join the civilized world. But we can only do so much, the ball is in your court.



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