What is Yahya Jammeh up to?


I am NOT the conspiracy type but something is FISHY with this Elections. The level of calmness I have seen from Jammeh is anything but NATURAL. Every indication since the beginning of the year shows that Jammeh cannot win the presidential elections, in-fact it shows one thing, he will lose TERRIBLY. Never has Jammeh faced such resistance and challenge from the Gambian people.

With all these known facts, why is a normally capricious, out-of-control, maniac like Yahya Jammeh doing everything to boost the credibility of the presidential elections? An election likely to boot him out of office under normal circumstances? You and I both know this isn’t Jammeh’s style, if anything he would be unleashing the security forces to suppress, bully and interrupt the Opposition at every turn. Deny them every media access just like in the past elections.

Thus the question becomes; is this president a new person ready to accept Democratic Principles all of a sudden or does Jammeh have a plan off-his-sleeves to ensure he doesn’t lose the elections. I believe in the latter, with Jammeh’s presidency on-the-line and all the troubles a horrible dictator like him is likely to face with a new administration, we should expect he’ll be anything but reasonable and calm. Don't you think so??

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Obviously there is disconnect between our excitement and what is brewing under the hood. I do NOT doubt Alieu Njie of the IEC, if anything I believe he is trying to conduct a fair elections but with the State Mercenary, Wealth and even the Election Resources/Financing under Jammeh’s control, it’s very possible that Jammeh have work-out plans to MANIPULATE the elections that even the IEC is NOT aware of.

The only way you can deny this is to believe that Jammeh is HONEST, am sure even a lunatic knows that 2/3 of what comes out of Jammeh’s mouth is a lie. So why are we NOT putting all our emphasis on this particular THREAT, dig deep into what Jammeh is planning under the hood and sound the alarm on any irregularities. At this hour, I was hoping all our focus will be on Jammeh with the aim that we suffocate his every effort to rig the elections but am afraid it is too little too late.

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So while we are busy beating our chest and tearing each other apart, it is very possible that Jammeh already knows what the RESULTS are, hence his CALM. Maybe, just maybe there is NO elections to fight for after all, it could very well be already done. You know, fighting a losing battle. Maybe we should have done our homework on Jammeh instead of fighting or trying to score points against each-other.

Another LOST opportunity it looks like. SAD!!!

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