Who’s the sinner, the Sanctimonious Diaspora or Dr. Touray?

I hope this is my final address to the DIASPORA.

In the span of two months my diaspora folks have held over 10 different contradictory positions yet some how you’re always right??? The canting attitude of my colleagues in what is called the STRUGGLE blows my mind, how anyone flip-flops so much so fast yet still maintains credibility is beyond me. Trust me, I do not enjoy lambasting anybody but when are you going to take responsibility for something? It is always somebody's faults, no matter how much you screwed-up.

You created Dr. Touray and call-out anyone who dares raise any concern or any unpleasant opinion of her. You got her pumped, dropped her when she serve no purpose to you anymore. Within a span of 24 hours, all of a sudden she is this horrible, evil woman who works for Yahya Jammeh. WTF!!!

You called her every obnoxious name in the book, reminds me very much of our culture of disrespect towards women. I was stupefied how you could remove yourself from the whole mess and dump it all on her, all of a sudden it’s all her fault. REALLY? We're supposed to believe that? Folks look at the below positions you have peddled within a span of weeks. Read this and ask yourself if this sounds like you.
  1. No to Elections unless Electoral reforms.
  2. Yes to elections but only with an Independent Candidate.
  3. Mamma Kandeh cannot be president because he is not a University graduate.
  4. All parties must rally behind the Independent Candidate (Dr. Touray), she is most educated and the unifier. ENDORSE ENDORSE ENDORSE .
  5. Coalition elect leader Adama Barrow is the man and Dr. Isatou Touray is Greedy, Arrogant, Sour and Bad-tempered woman etc.
Does this sound like you? Be honest to yourself, am sure majority of you will see yourselves in these statements. It doesn’t matter how many times you change your positions somehow everybody must agree and follow. This is what I meant when I said "Groupthink" has swallowed your STRUGGLE.

Take responsibility, quit passing blame on everyone but yourself. It is okay to say “I am wrong” you’re human after all, spare me your Pecksniffian, holier-than-thou attitude, it's nauseating sometimes to say the least. You can't just remove yourself from this mess, you're part of it, you created it. HELLO!

Now you see why I do NOT get along with most of you lol. I am a cool person but I don’t roll like this, I believe in principles not what is popular. This is the same reason I am sticking with Mamma Kandeh until the coalition proves to be more of a treat to removing Jammeh. I would NOT be jumping around candidates just because it makes me fit it.

I hate the fact that at this hour I am even talking about any other person but Yahya Jammeh. I should be aiming my dagger at Jammeh's chest (the power of my pen).

Just remember, you subdued Dr. Touray through bullying, harassment, treats and insults. You never listened or acknowledged her concerns. Does she deserve it? Yes she does. She should have been honest with her intentions from the beginning but she chooses to try to outsmart everyone by using the often naïve, unsophisticated diaspora. Live by the sword die by the sword. Period.

Final point, FOCUS folks, stop spreading endless childish conspiracy theories, Mamma Kandeh is NOT working for or with Jammeh and you know it.

This is the last time I plan to address the Diaspora in my articles before the December elections. My focus will be on that Evil Nincompoop aka Dictator Jammeh. The war is on, from now on, it’s should be all of us against Dictator Jammeh. PEACE!

I love you my friends!!!

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