Soldier Boy, What Are You Going To Do??

Humility has a way of slapping the Arrogant on the face lol. All of a sudden reality has caught-up with the mad-dictator and he is scared of the fate he put many families through. He once called the country’s notorious prison (Mile 2) his Five (5) Star Hotel, with a stinky-smile on his face but he is now willing to march his gang of criminals to Annihilation just to avoid the Five-Star hotel we'll be happy to make his home.

Obviously, the only reason he is pushing this madness is because he had the opportunity to reflect on his presidency and he himself isn’t impressed with his performance, so like the typical dictator he is, he is willing to hold the nation at ransom until he cut his sweet deal. Not so fast, Mr. Ex-Dictator.

The funniest of it all, Jammeh might actually end-up getting some leeway and the very people who are currently doing his bidding will be EIGHTY-SIXED at the end. Unfortunately they are too dumb and Pussied (Not English Word) that they do NOT see what is about to happen to them.

Hello Soldier boy! Jammeh is trying to cut a deal to protect himself and his family and preserve his wealth. What are you going to do when the law comes after you? Did you take time to think about that?

  1. Jammeh has a multimillion dollar mansion in the US for his family, where is your foreign mansion?
  2. Jammeh’s Wife is in the US far away from any danger, where is your wife?
  3. Jammeh’s Kids are in the US far away from any danger, where are your kids?
  4. Jammeh has millions stash in banks all over the world for his family, how much is in your account?

So which is it now? Do you want to be a Soldier or a Rebel? What did you sign-up for? Which side are you on; Republic of The Gambia or Republic of Yahya Jammeh? Are you going to defend the State and obey the new Commander-in-Chief (Adama Barrow) or do you want to face ECOWAS/AU/UN/Senegal Military Force on the battle-field?

Soldier Boy! We don’t want to hear YOU'RE JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS. Pick a side now and save your job. We’re running out of fucking patience.

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