URGENT-IMPORTANT-WARNING! Parastatals, Security and Central Bank:

As we speak, Jammeh is preparing for his unknown future and the future of his family. It is clear that he is NOT leaving anything to chance and he’ll do everything to ensure he and his progeny live a comfortable life after his presidency.

What that means for the Gambian People?
With the level of greed Jammeh has delineated throughout his presidency and the personalization of national resources, it is safe to assume that if he haven’t already he is in the process of draining our national coffers for himself and his family. With this in mind I would like to send a powerful message to our government institutions as well as privates entities who have aided and abided Jammeh in his criminal endeavors for the past twenty years. Listen to me carefully. This might be your last opportunity to redeem your sins.

CEOs & MDs of Government Parastatals & The Central Bank:
DO NOT authorize any transfer of money to Jammeh or his surrogates or destroy any traces of such evidence. There is NOTHING Jammeh can do to you that can hurt you at this point, it is very important to know that the balance of power is in your favor. Being fired by Jammeh right now could actually end-up being a blessing for you. I can assure you, Jammeh would NOT fire anybody at this point, he is more worried about what lies ahead for him. If you get any such request I urge you to take the following steps as soon as possible:
  1. Report the matter to the Coalition-Rapid-Response Unit immediately.
  2. Notify the American Embassy immediately.
  3. Notify the UN Resident Representative immediately.
  4. Notify the IGP of Police immediately.
You'll be in safe hands and national hero. For once, stand-up for your country. Be rest assured, Halifa Sallah as V.President (unconfirmed) will dig into every evidence of financial malpractices. This applies to employees as well, if you see any such evidence report as fast as possible.

IGP/Head of Police:
IGP of police if you’re reading this. I want you to listen carefully. Shake-off the slave-mentality as fast as possible. If you’re NOT aware already, you’re more POWERFUL than Jammeh from now on. Jammeh has scared the shit-out-off the security forces but his power has vanished, do not fear anymore. Jammeh is NOT in the business of locking-up people anymore. Please stand tall and grow some balls. The steps you take now will determine whether you keep your job or NOT. I advise you to take the following step as soon as possible if you haven’t already:

  1. Setup a Rapid Response Unit to Investigate and Protect National Resources.
  2. Get all your department behind you and ensure they’re responsive to any such complaints.
  3. Protect all individuals who might be at risk for what they know or control.
Again, I remind you, you’re the head of law enforcement in the country. At this point, Jammeh should be the least person you should fear especially you're getting a new boss next month.

Coalition/New Government:
Confidence is everything and you've failed woefully in this area. Be vocal. You have to start drowning Jammeh’s voice now to give people confidence to stand-up to any illegal request from Jammeh and his enablers. You’ve been very weak in these areas, a strong voice from you will enable the Security forces and Government employees to start changing their mentality. What are you scared off? Quit being petrified, goddamn, you’re the leaders of our country. Don’t let Jammeh control the narratives.

Beef up the COALITION RAPID RESPONSE UNIT fast, get some strong legal minds on-board. Enough with the celebration, leave that to the citizens. Get to work NOW.

Also a day after elections I POSTED on Facebook the need for Adama Barrow to address the NATION as soon as possible, it’s been 4 days what are you waiting for, sir? If NOT anything, you owe a THANK-YOU to the voters and REASSURE the country of your readiness to lead. This is STANDARD, a winner in any elections addresses the electorates/nation within 24 hrs.

Four (4) days after victory you’re flirting with everybody but the Gambian people. We appreciate your interviews with INTERNATIONAL-MEDIAS but where were they when we were going through Jammeh's nightmare? We do not need a celebrity we need a president and enough with the SELFIES with your family too, we don’t care about that either lol. You need to come to speed fast, Mr. Barrow.

Security Forces:
If you’re still in the business of arresting people or carrying out Jammeh’s illegal orders then you’re nothing but a dumb-ass. Come next month he’ll be gone and you’ll face the wrath of your own actions, for the past two decades Jammeh has selfishly used and maltreated you, at this point, you should be worried about you and your family’s future than doing Jammeh’s bidding. OPEN YOUR EYES.

WARNING! If any soldier is thinking about causing mischief, you’re probably the stupidest persons ever. Coup d'etat is over in The Gambia, you had your opportunity to get rid of a dictator, and you did not. Just know one thing, you won’t last a week even if you succeed in your foolish adventure; ECOWAS, AU, Senegal, US and Patriotic Soldiers and Civilians will make sure you spend the rest of your miserable life in a shit-hole. This is a different Gambia, get the memo.

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