Who said a Gambian president isn’t capable of going to the world stage without swearing at everyone? It must be refreshing for the British not to hear the president of their former colony hauling insults and mockery at the queen. They were not the only ones auspicious though, Gambians all over the globe cheered and watch their jejune president with pride.

But we are NOT here for the rave. As Agitators-In-Chief and Anti- Conformist, we have to perform our duty as “Group-think” Busters and it’s about to get real. Yes, we know our reputation it has earn JollofNerds.com both abettors and calumniators but we would rather be real with our friends than fake to fit-in.

Mr. President as always was super-HOT, whoever convinced him to mimic Pres. Jawara’s dressing style was right he looks swank, unfortunately, it lacks ingenuity like almost everything Mr. president does.

It was a tantalizing speech according to many, especially folks on the other side, I can’t name names before they unleash Foday Jawla on me. The irony was many were praise-singing even before listening to the speech. The bar is so low for Pres. Barrow that he simply cannot do anything wrong, he just doesn’t have to do anything. “He did better than Jammeh.” is the new national anthem Smh!

It wasn’t surprising that it took less than 24hrs before Social-media reverse course and took down the president’s speech. A speech full of grammatical blunders and direct translation, it was so basic you’ll think it was written by Gambia’s amateur diplomat Facuru Sillah. It is NOT my style to tell other’s what to do but I believe UDP should consider hiring Sainey Sisay (Seattle) he’s probably the only UDP fellow I have seen with a decent Grammar. Foday Jawla would have been a good candidate but he is way too aggressive and delusional, whoever told him there was a tribal war going on in the Gambia should go back and tell him it was all a joke because he is NOT taking it lightly. Plus, my friend doesn’t talk kindly of women (join Trump buddy).

Was Barrow Speaking to Walls & Empty Chairs, why speak if you’re going to speak to an empty room?

I couldn’t tell if he was crying or reading lol. Why was Barrow even nervous when the only people in the room were Gambian Delegates? The rest were taking lunch-break or too lazy to leave the room. Which begs the question, why take 50+ people to New York City (one of the priciest cities in the world) just to listen to your speech, obviously no one cares what you have to say. That room was so empty I thought he was in a class on the last day of a school year.

Stop wasting our dinky resources, we are a poor, undeveloped nation. That trip at the end of the day will cost nothing less than D120,000,000.00 (Hundred & Twenty Million Dalasis) factoring a Chartered Flight. If that amount was invested in a Solar-Farm it would be sufficient to provide 24hrs uninterrupted Electricity and Water throughout the GBA. What is wrong with Africans?

UN, EU, World Bank, IMF, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Ecowas and countless other nations and organization pumped unimaginable amount of money & resources into the country so we can build strong institutions and be self-reliant. So far, NOT a single development project has been enacted by Darboe and his stooge Pres. Barrow. They are spending our money left and right on everything but Gambia’s need. Yet, all I kept hearing “At-least he did better than Jammeh.” WTF.. does that even mean, you think we fought for the bare minimum? In the main time, The Gambia remains a poor, dirty, hopeless country. The saddest part is, those who will be affected the most are probably the ones boiling inside while reading this article. Hating on Intellectual Bug when the politician is robbing your future. Guess what, I have 24hrs uninterrupted electricity & water supply, can you say the same?

Wake-up Gambians, wake-up Africans. It is NO accident that we’re the poorest nation in the poorest continent. Stop supporting political parties and politicians blindly, don’t be fooled, politicians will always convince you that you’re doing it for your TRIBE. They’re lying to you, they’re in it for themselves.

While you’re busy picking war with me, your government is busy spending money on themselves that was supposed to help lift the country from it's current state. They’re building Mansions that you’re NOT even aware of, yet if you get sick you you’ll end up in a hospital with no medicines. You live in a country were a mere headache can take your life, don't be mad at me for calling the politicians out.

I fought for SYSTEM-CHANGE. What did you fight for, PERSONNEL-CHANGE??


One of the leading opposition politician in the Gambian Hon. Mama Kandeh recently leveled a serious accusation against the Government of Lawyer Darboe and his Stooge Pres. Barrow. He alleges that the Government was embezzling public funds for private use. Many wondered why a man known to be very honest and measured would level such a serious indictment of African’s youngest government. Supporters or may I say militants of the ruling UDP party wasted no time to go for the jugulars, a party dominated by uncultured fanatics, it wasn’t surprising that they not only dismiss Hon. Kandeh but they went further to do what they do best “Personal Insults and Intimidation.”

Independent observers like Intellectual Bug decided to look deeper into this matter. Having observe Hon. Kandeh, and the level of integrity he has maintained throughout his political career, I thought he was up to something, politicians have info that the ordinary joe does not. It was clear there was more to the story than the lazy gov would like us to postulate and you won’t believe what we found.

It’s been 9 months since Darboe and his team took over, not a single project has been enacted since. Even in the face of endless flow of foreign money into the country. So far it appears the only people benefiting is Darboe and his chums just like it was during Jammeh's era. Before I elaborated let me remind you how much money has poured into the country and this is just what I am aware of:

  1. In February 2017: Just after taking office, EU gave The Gambian Government 225 Million Euros.
  2. In February 2017: World Bank gave the Gambian Government $7.8 Million Grant.
  3. In May 2017: China announced a Grant of $50 million to The Gambian Government.
  4. In July 2017: The European Union gave The Gambian Government another 30 Million Euros Grant.
  5. In July 2017: World Bank approve another $56 Million Grant to the Gambian Government.
  6. In August 2017: The European Union gave 25 Million Euros to the Gambian Government again.

Now you know why this guy here is celebrating birthdays and acting like a teenager, pardon me, I meant to say Fashionista smh.

Let me ask nicely. WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THAT MONEY?? Nine (9) months counting, the best this lazy government has done is bribe our lawmakers by buying them over 50 expensive cars and going on tourism to Saudi Arabia even in the midst of a devastating natural disaster. Hello! haven't you learned anything from Jammeh's 20 years misrule? Why can’t this government take us seriously, we fought to end Dictatorship and Corruption, some lost their lives, some sent to jail only to watch our effort go in vain.

What is more disheartening is this government's willingness to lie to us whenever cornered. "Saudi Arabia invited Barrow and sent a Private Jet to pick him up" yeah right or the "$48 Million Forensic lab is being built by a foreign company but they won't release details or the company's name." Are we supposed to accept anything you tell us, how credulous we must be. That brings me to the question "Where the hell are the journalist?" Don't you know there is something called Investigative Journalism. Quit reporting Sports and Court Cases all day. Do your job, stop robbing shoulders with government officials! Even a cough from the government you're ready to go to print or share the story on social-media. You're NOT an extended arm of the government, it's your job to hold them accountable and get the facts to the public. Smh!

If you're not aware already, The Gambia is among the top 10 poorest nations on earth. Kissing our government's ass is not gonna dig us out of that mess neither is praise-singing our politicians. Where is our money? The people of Kuntaur, the people of Ebo-town, the people of Banjul want to know. We need Electricity and Water, we need Jobs. Hello! are you listening?? Give NAWEC the funds they require to build better Public Utility services. Where is all the millions?

While you are obsessing about the commission of inquiry another dubious daylight Robin-hood is happening right now under your noise. What is even funnier, this is a pattern now, when there is a heat on the government they break a new Yahya Jammeh news and everyone goes on the meltdown. Give me a break, we're too sophisticated to be a Sucker for anything. Tell me what I don't know about Jammeh already. What are you doing right now to prevent another Jammeh? Absolutely Nothing, there is no anti-corruption mechanism implemented under this sleepy government and I am beginning to believe it is intentional.

I hope you'll learn from this guy here. Call him names all day but he cares and he proves it everyday through action.

We are aware of the funds you're diverting into your personal accounts and the homes you're building. We'll NOT rest until we exposed all of you, Not revealing/declaring your assets will NOT save you.

Before I conclude, Gambian journalist I have an assignment for you. Two months after taking office Barrow & Darboe gave D40,000.00 to each National Assembly member hmmm.. what is the source of that money?

Finally, finally, Jollof-Nerds would like to thank Hon. Kandeh for exposing the deep corruption spearheaded by Darboe and his pals. Who thought Lawyer Darboe would forget the ordinary guy so soon!!


Baddibu is one of the biggest and bedrock regions of The Gambia, their citizens one of the most educated and resourceful. They have an unmistakable stamp in every sector of our economy and civil service. To put it in simple terms, without BADDIBOU, Gambia will not be Gambia. Period!

While I am not Baddibunka, I recognize the significant contribution they have rendered to our country. But that is NOT all, Baddibunkas were in the fore-front of the fight against the Jammeh dictatorship and in so doing they lost lot of their sons and daughters for the liberation of our country. Thank you!

In every facet of our economy, Baddibu is a force to be reckon with and they can match any region in terms of successful citizens.

While all of the above are true. Baddibu struggles to reciprocate those successes in Gambian politics. In both the first and second republic, Baddibu has been largely ignored by the government and nothing seems to be different with this Bansang led UDP government.

The region has largely thrown their weight behind the UDP party but their loyalty HAS NOT been rewarded by Darboe & Co. So far, the fanciest role they have occupied in the Darboe lead government is the position of “Protocol Officer” which by the way is a fancy name for “Sectary or Clerk.” Every influential position in this government has either gone to Waa Bansang or a CRD native, from Amadou Sanneh (Finance Minister) to Assan Jallow (Chief Justice).

How long are Waa Baddibu willing to tolerate the Not-Good-Enough treatment from the UDP? So far, it appears Darboe is willing to use Waa Baddibu for their vote but marginalize them when it counts. That wasn’t the only nefarious treatment Baddibunkas have been subjected to by Darboe. During the selection to pick the presidential candidate to represent UDP in the general elections, Darboe throws his weight behind a former store security-guard in the UK who has neither the educational qualification nor leadership experience in expense of well-educated and experience Baddibunkas.

Even in jail, Lawyer Darboe’s command was clear, anybody but someone from Baddibu and he fought tooth-and-nail to dwindle their influence and power in the party. He would rather have a guy whose biggest experience was owning a 2-person Real Estate Boutique than allowing a power-shift to Baddibu. This is an insult, how long are waa Baddibu willing to accept the disrespect, maltreatment, marginalization and the suppressive acts from Darboe and his gang.

It is time to send a clear message to the UDP party, Baddibu cannot be ignored any longer and their support will NOT be taken for granted. A Political Party from Baddibu will be too strong to stop, not even the almighty Papa Lawyer Darboe can stop the mighty Baddibu. The time is now, the smart, experienced and resourceful Baddibunkas must take their rightful place in Gambian politics. Send a message to Darboe and his Bansang Gang, show us what you got. Create a POLITICAL PARTY now!!

First Jawara, then Jammeh and now the Darboe government. Enough is enough!

Minutes after the conclusion of a meeting between Italy and The Gambian government. Our attention-obsessed Minister Mai Fatty eager to take credit and pump his ego ran to his favorite platform Facebook to prowl and scout applause from his often naïve, unsuspecting and lowbrow fans. In doing so, he fail to acknowledge the President or at-least allow his to take credit as it is customary in any government. When the Seal Team 6 kill Bin Laden they didn’t run to Twitter or Facebook neither did their Commanders. No! They understand the chain of command just like you should that the President is the Commander-in-Chief and head of the Executive-Branch in your case. As such, he deserves the privilege to be the face of such important news but don’t tell that to inerudite Mai Fatty.

But that wasn’t the end of his cardinal-sin, in a hurry to run his mouth he made a claim that I regretfully have to call a blatant lie. Just so no one confuse the fact that he “Mai Fatty” deserve the acclaim and only him, he said “The gift was from Italy’s Interior Ministry” quietly making a correlation since he is Gambia’s Interior Minister. Such a farce, what a character this guy is smh lol.

I don’t know the details of the deal but the claim that the gift is from Italy’s Interior Ministry stands out, because that is not how we understand Interior Ministries to operate anywhere in the world. Interior Ministries do not conduct foreign relations and their budget doesn’t include foreign-aid, I thought Mai Fatty would know this.

Last year I wrote an article titled “Half-Truth are Lies” and talked about how half-truth can be as deadly as total-lies. Mai Fatty has mastered the art of not telling the whole truth thereby giving impressions that might be deceiving just to advance his PR agenda. Let me give you an examples; remember how Mai claimed that he has signed a deal for the building of a $48 million Forensic-Lab only to change his story after we found out it was actually a Clinical Lab that performs Diagnosis and Research in Molecular Medicine, the forensic crime aspect of it was actually a small component of this project. Which makes sense, because Gambian does not have the crime-rate to warrant a $48 Million Forensic-Lab even if it was for free but you won’t have that impression when you listen to cretinous Mai Fatty.

Here we are again with the same half-truth from Mai. Don’t get me wrong it very possible that Italy’s Interior Minister was allowed to hangover the gifts that might be actually coming from the State Dept (Foreign Affairs) etc, governments does this all the times. Just because he handed over the Welfare-Check doesn’t mean it came from Italy’s Interior Ministry. Nice try!

Some of you might be like, but Intellectual-Bug this is not a big deal it was a just a small lie. If someone is capable of telling a small lie they're capable of telling a bigger, more consequential lie and remember we're entrusting these guys with our country at it's most vulnerable time.

That brings me to my last point. Who is Mai Fatty accountable to? It seems he is working in solo with no coordination with the President/Sectary-General’s office or any of the other government institutions and that say a lot about the dysfunction and structural problem within this administration. They are just not jelling, there is a serious leadership vacuum and people like Mai Fatty are taking advantage of this environment to hike their stock. My advice to Mai Fatty “Stop it,” please just stop it. If you work hard we will see it, you don't have to convince us. You might be older but some of us are more educated, more battle-tested in any areas, be it Governance, Economics or Int'l Affairs. Quit selling us Crap, please!

By: Rik Osborne (Posted on Quora, great read)

“If you sit home playing video games all day, you won't meet anyone.”

I was 49 years old, and had never been married. In fact, I had barely dated as an adult. I’d had one relationship, when I was 23–24 years old, that lasted 18 months, and another when I was 36 that lasted six months. And after that, I just never had much interest in trying to find romance and love. I took the position, “if it happens, it happens”.

So, living alone in an apartment, at 49 years old, I spent most of my time alone, playing World of Warcraft, when I wasn’t at work. Work and WoW, that was my life.

So on Christmas Eve, 2015, I was sitting alone in my apartment, playing WoW, and enjoying a bottle of nice single-malt scotch I’d bought as a Christmas present to myself. At some point in the evening, I wandered downstairs to my kitchen, and as I was entering the kitchen, I noticed for the first time a small, patched section on the wall. I was curious about it. You see, my apartment building was built some time before World War 2. I had already figured out that, when the building was new, it was heated by some kind of furnace in the basement, with all of the apartments sharing the heat. I figured that this small, square, patched-over spot must have originally been some kind of vent that allowed the air to move between apartments. My curiosity prompted me to knock on it.

Somebody knocked back.

So I knocked again, and heard more knocks in return. Then I heard a woman’s voice through the wall yelling, “Hey, come over here!”

I was … a bit surprised. But I shrugged and went over there.

I met my neighbor for the first time. We spent the rest of Christmas Eve together. Then we spent Christmas together. And the next day. And the next, and the next. She had a big TV, but no cable, so she could only use it to watch DVDs. I set her TV up with my WiFi password so that she could use my Netflix account. I spent most evenings in her apartment, watching shows on Netflix with her.

In March 2016, she moved into my apartment, and toward the end of April, we got married.

I was playing video games instead of looking for love, but love found me :)

JollofNerds: Beautiful story and we thought we would share it with you. At JollofNerds we cerebrate all love stories and we wish all our readers the best in their love life and we pray that you find that person who makes you happy.

Is everything alright in the UDP fraternity? This is no hyperbole, something is brewing!

After the National Assembly elections, Papa Lawyer Darboe drop a new tune in the Mandingo language, it goes like this: “Yee-ye-ye-ye Lawyer Darboe ye banko tar,” translated “Yee-ye-ye-ye Lawyer Darboe has taken over the country.” Many people thought the song was inappropriate for various reason, one of which is instead of recognizing Barrow’s leadership in lifting the party at its lowest point and leading it to victory plus all the sacrifices made along the way. Lawyer Darboe chooses to personalize the victory and reserved all the credit for himself for a victory he probably had very little to do with. As you can imagine this didn’t help his image and selfish reputation but the Old-man couldn’t help himself.

There has been lot of talk recently whether Barrow should serve 3 years as agreed in the coalition-memorandum or should he ignore/betray the agreement and force the 5 years constitutional term? The question no one is asking; who benefits the least if Barrow forces a 5 years term or extend his stay?

Well, I can tell you right now, there is an Old-man shitting in a corner, scrunching his face and screaming “Not Fair.” Our favorite old-man Papa Lawyer Darboe is destine to be the next president, Gambia is a one-party state at this point, sadly UDP has position itself as the sole beneficiary of the post Jammeh era and I do not see any other party reclaiming the crown for the next 30 years. It’s the fact. Now here comes the trouble, is Barrow going to make Papa Lawyer Darboe wait longer than he has to and how do you think that idea is sitting with the old-man?

It looks like this is going to be war, my prediction unfortunately our favorite Old-man is going to lose. Here is the thing, while UDP is enjoying the expanding size of their party the new comers have less loyalty to the party and more to Barrow as an individual and the rest of the new-comers are just gold-diggers. The voters who help topple Jammeh’s government mostly in their teens and early twenties do not have any significant memories of Darboe and sadly his old age doesn’t help. Barrow is closer to their age, he is younger and cuter and most importantly they see Barrow as the guy who saved them not Darboe and that’s a powerful image in their head.

The UDP old-guards see Barrow differently, while they like him, they see him nothing but someone there only to warm the car for the ultimate driver. Their loyalty is to the Old-man and it’s unshakeable, it’s anyone’s guess what will happen when Barrow exceed his welcome and decides to stay for 5 years or more.

Going by his recent interviews, it looks like Barrow is going to stay longer than even 5 years. I can say for certain Barrow is going nowhere anytime soon, the presidency is getting into his head, and he is loving the attention and the power that comes with it. How long is Lawyer Darboe willing to tolerate him is anyone's guess. We shall see. My advice, brace yourself for the unthinkable. “3 years or 5 years, I’ll do whatever the Gambian people want me to do” is what Barrow said in a recent interview. Let me translate it to you; it means “I am not leaving, I’ll serve the whole 5 years.” This is Barrow’s civilize way of saying “go screw yourself.”

African presidents are cursed, they do not have it in themselves to share power. Democracy is just a convenience, they use the word whenever it suits their needs. It becomes worst when you give someone a role they do not deserve or qualify for, they would not want to give it back. We see the same thing happen when Jammeh found himself in a role he was neither qualify nor expected. Anyways, that’s not the end of this stories, think about it if Barrow can force his way into serving 5 years what will stops him from shaking another 5 years? All of this at the detriment of Papa Lawyer Darboe, I feel bad for the Old-man, I love him.

My fear is the fall-out between these two colleagues will be ugly. Power corrupts, Presidents are jealous, they do not want to share the crown and Darboe is circling that crown like an eagle. Once the Banjul Socialites start getting close to the president and constantly reminding him how Darboe is trying to take his Job that would be the end of Lawyer Darboe. I just hope he doesn’t sent him back to where he rescued him from.

Anyways, I have no bone to pick in this fight. My Fula friends say “Mburru fof ko faringe.” As a none-UDP, Independent observer I don’t care who wins, the petty-side of me is looking forward to the fight though and can't wait for the blows to start flying lol. You bet I would put flame to the fire while hypocritically chuckling on the side. Nothing beats a UDP fight, lol.

It's the right thing to do! Yahya Jammeh's rule will go down not only as one of the darkest in Africa but the world at-large. See, there has been dictators before Jammeh but what brings Jammeh on-par with the world's worst is the treatment of his subjects (The Gambian People). Jammeh didn't only treat his adversaries badly he treat them inhumanely, he destroy them and sometimes destroy their family and everything they care about. When he goes after you he tries to take about your humanity. My principle in life is "kill me but never take about my humanity."

I do not support the banning of any political party or peaceful political activity. However, it's time for the current leadership of APRC to take a hard look at what they represent, the symbol of APRC most only be seen in Museums not in the public domain. Give closure to the many victims of Jammeh and dissolve the party, it's the right thing to do. The pain Jammeh and his government inflicted on our people is real and still raw, it's impact will continue to be felt centuries to come. In the "New Gambia" everyone must be free to express their views because that's the dictate of a free and fair society but it obvious APRC or any government that holds a similar ideology will never ever lead our people again. Ask any Jew worthy of his salt what will you if Hitler were to come-back and try to rule over you, he/she will tell you over my dead body. We the Gambian people will give our lives and happily so to safeguard our new freedom from Jammeh and everything he represented.

I criticize the Barrow government and I probably will continue to do so even if I was the V.President just the way I'll criticize a Halifa Sallah government, a Mamma Kandeh government, even a government of my own daddy because I believe it is important to put pressure on our leadership so they know they have to fight every single day to prove to us that they care and act on issues that affects us. It makes me uncomfortable when APRC sympathizers cozy up to my writings because I criticize this government. Don't get it twisted, make no mistakes, you and I couldn't be more different. If you think what Jammeh did to my people is okay, I put you in the same bracket as Jammeh. I despise everything, everything Jammeh stood for. When I disagree with UDP or other parties it's policy difference, it's like fighting a brother (I enjoy Spanking them), with APRC is like fighting an enemy.

Before Jammeh we disagree but the sanctity of human life was valued in our society. The Jammeh-era brought so much Sorrow and Loneliness to so many homes, took husbands from so many wives. I pride myself for not easily crying but thinking about Jammeh and the brutality of his era roll tears down my eyes. I, like many of you was a Jammeh victim. I was an elementary age kid when Jammeh took power, those days dead was so sacred when a neighbor dies kids like myself were shield from the trauma and moved to a different side of the town. But in Jammeh's era I grew up subjected to the trauma of murder, missing neighbors and neighbors terrified of the prospect of being fired from the only source of livelihood.

He pit us against each other tribe-against-tribe and made our country nearly ungovernable, he almost destroyed us forever.

I live a bless life and consider myself a success in so many ways, but no action gave me more satisfaction than knowing I was among the voices who refused to remain quiet to Jammeh's Dark Age. That fight will be the highlight of my life and I hope to one day be blessed with grand-children so I can brag to them how I was part of the resistances.

To those leading APRC now, you've an opportunity, you've an opportunity to ask for remission for your role in the darkest chapter of our history. Dissolve the party, do it for your own sake and for the sake of Jammeh's victims. Ask for forgiveness, The Gambian Heart is the kindness of all Hearts.

For those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, "may your souls rest in perfect peace!!" To their families we are forever indebted.

Our president (Barrow) was elegant yesterday during the opening ceremony of the National Assembly. He gave a dazzling speech and I got to confess he was sexy and seducing in his Haftan. Hi Barrow, you want a third wife? Holla! Wink, Wink!! He as always was gracious and modest, two qualities I like about him. However something else caught my attention, the beautiful building he gave his speech in. For a country with little infrastructure the new National Assembly building is a master piece and a pride.

But my busy-body mind started wondering, questions like “which administration built this beautiful building?” started popping in my head and I was faced with the hard reality, it was the administration of our ex-dictator. The same answer when I asked about the Airport a classic in African standards, the Roads, Traffic-Lights, Hospitals, Schools etc. almost every infrastructure development seems to have come from Jammeh’s government. This in addition to the many scholarships that allowed so many of our young citizens to get quality education in places like Taiwan, Venezuela, Cuba etc. Considering my antipathy for him, I felt abashed.

This fact puts our current administration in an awkward position, if a dictator who swindle our resources and was promiscuous at times could do all that development. The question everyone is asking is can this administration match the ex-president or do better. Well so far the manifestations are not great, if building Forensic-Labs is this government’s priority then the antics are not looking good and they have lot of catch-up to do. As of now, the only thing Barrow can take credit for is the gentility of his wardrobe, his Haftans without a doubt can match Jammeh’s any day. Sometimes, I get jealous ‘sah’, so cute Mr. President, if I can lay hand on one of those Haftans and Hats, ‘dem’ ladies will lick my face daylight. No kidding!

However, I hope Barrow doesn’t befuddle nice dresses to effective leadership. There is so much hope on him, blaming the ex-government for failures can only work for so long, after a while it gets old and we the Gambian people will say “put up or shut up.”

I am still buoyant though and crossing my fingers, I am putting my buck on this government hoping they won’t let me down. If a dictator can do more for the country than this UDP led government that would be an abomination and total shame. Even worst if every infrastructure this administration balls-in is the work of the dictator we all love to vilify that will call their credibility to question. Hola UDP! Are you really gonna let Jammeh mockingly poke his fingers at us? Do not embarrass us.

Ohh.. Btw, I was told UDP was upset that Mamma Kandeh upstage and humiliate them on the national stage. GDC, the country's biggest opposition party recently successfully rolled-out an infrastructure project, a bridge somewhere in the countryside in just few months. For a party not in power and with no control of government resources, this was an unbelievable accomplishment. Considering Papa Lawyer Darboe’s obsession with the presidency and his unstoppable impending presidency in 2020, this was a hard-hit and the old man was having none of it. In-fact, grapevine had it that UDP got big plans. The plan a Train that travels Banjul-to-Basse in a single hour by December 2017, this in reaction to Mamma Kandeh and GDC.

So far the UDP led administration has struggled to take credit for a single project since taking power not even a Borehole, it remains to be seen if they can pull it off. I hope they don’t become the party of plenty ideas, no substance. The good news, December is just around the corner. Talk is cheap “we go see.” So far it seems there is a Big-Baboon looming, but it’s not Dictator Jammeh lol.

Couples of weeks ago, Gambia was all over the international media, like months prior, it wasn’t for the right reasons. Accordingly to the current administration our psycho ex-president has pilfered the nation’s miniature resources and basically left us penniless. Like most of you I need not tell you I was enraged and indignant, my hatred of Jammeh was renewed all over again and I can’t recapitulate the insults I directed at the fool.

Fast forward one month it appears Gambia has recovered big time. Who needs Jammeh after-all? We have so much money, white-elephant projects like a Crime-Lab, Forensic-Lab, MaimunaFatty-Lab or whatever you choose to call it, it’s no more a wish, it’s happening bro.

It doesn’t matter that Gambia one of Africa’s poorest have one of the lowest crime rate, where crimes like murder is a rear occurrence. It doesn’t matter that the whole country has one Dialysis center located in Banjul. So if you live in Basse or any other region outside of Banjul and Kombo and need your blood filtered three-times a week because of a kidney failure. You have three options:

1. Relocate to these two regions and live there for the rest of your life.
2. Move to a country with advance medical care and live there forever and hope that you can afford the medical cost.
3. Die (unfortunately this is the option for most people).

Yes, medical issues like these are not in the fore-front of our public discourse, neither are they the main topics in the media but there are real people dying every single day helplessly from preventable/manageable health issues like these. It pains my heart that their situation is less priority than Mai Fatty’s security paranoia and toys meant only to feed his ego.

It doesn’t matter that 70% of the country does not have Electricity Supply and nowhere in the country is 24hrs electricity guaranteed. Imagine what a $40 million investment into a Solar-Farm will do for the country?

It doesn’t matter that the country’s only University continues to graduate medical doctors every second like ants yet none have the expertise to conduct organ transplant neither have the medical equipment. Investing $48 million into a standard medical lab at the University of The Gambia (UTG) makes more sense any day than Mai Fatty’s TOYS.

But wait, don’t tell this to the self-identified, self-appointed "Coalition Defense League (CDL aka UDP)", you’ll get an earful of how it is not an Either/Or. I beg to defer! My granny use to tell me how “it’s easier to wake someone asleep than someone pretending to be.” May her soul rest in peace. How true, reminds me of the no ancient time when Jammeh’s supporters use the same tactics. Blind themselves to the crimes of their master. What an imperfect creation we are, mankind forgets so soon, smh.

I can’t help but wonder down memory-lane, high school days at Nusrat. Nice memories! I still remember the first topic in my Economics class, my Ghanaian teacher when full-blown on the Economic principle of Scarcity of Resources and Scale-of-Preference. The principle states if you've scarce resources you should prioritize your needs according to their importance. How I wish this administration was following this basic economic principle.

Considering less than a month ago Mai Fatty and his cronies were bitching to anyone who cares to listen about how our government is broke, how in the world can they justify such a superfluous project. Who are you trying to impress??

If this is how our government is going to spend our meager resources, we are in deep shit. Like seriously.

Since our secret president (Papa Lawyer Darboe) have decided only his boy-boy Mai Fatty is going to get the money for his department. Can Adama Barrow grow a spine for once and transfer Mai Fatty to the below Government Ministries, I am pretty sure they need that money more:

1. Ministry of Health
2. Ministry of Education
3. Ministry of Agriculture
4. Ministry of Roads
5. Ministry of Electricity
6. Ministry of Internet-Service or
7. Ministry of Trash-Pickup

Before I conclude, I want to raise one more issue: EMBEZZLEMENT. Corruption is Africa’s biggest disease and government officials get away with it usually by signing big contracts or starting such silly projects. The end cost of the project is triple the original amount and we all know where the difference go. I am not saying that’s the motive here but considering the public was blindsided and we still don’t know the details of this misguided the-world-is-about-to-end-project. Our skepticism is heightened, like the Nigerians say “we’re watching you with our naked eyes.”

We know the following for a fact. Mai Fatty ain’t rich, in-fact he was an average Lawyer, so was his master (Papa Lawyer) we also know his current salary, so we’re keeping an eye on him and his master. We’ll be watching how many houses you build in the next coming years.

To some “New Gambia” means sycophancy but to some of us it means keeping our government’s toes to the fire and doing what it takes to lift the country from its current predicament. Who got time to be baby-sitting or praise-singing a government? On a light note, Intellectual Bug is back, no filter; same style, same authenticity. Stay bless my friends.

"The moon is friend for the lonesome to talk to" - Carl Sandburg, and it was at it's fullest, the beautiful rays of the moonlight obediently glittering on the city of Serekunda leaving in its wake fading shadows of the night so beautiful it would a photographer's dream. The noisy city of my birth was revivified, rejuvenating and sooty, so dusty not even the dark could cover the arenaceous it leaves behind. "Barkeh serign touba" whispered a man walking opposite my friends and I, his "lady friend" cachinnated with glee as they fade into the night.

Everyone seem ecstatic and chirpy like they have no worries in live. Cars honking, drivers cursing and yelling without regards to the night as they compete with pedestrians for right to the road. Almost every commotion was an opportunity for me and my unruly friends to crack a joke, loud and noisy as we defy the dark and tear into the twilight.

Her aquamarine eyes shows a willingness to be vulnerable and I can tell this girl was going to steal my virginity

Suddenly a voice emerge, tittering behind, phone in one hand a purse on the other. "What kind of lassie is that?" My friend asked “She is the most beautiful THING I have ever seen” said another. My friends were fond of eulogizing girls, almost every girl without regards to looks, “this time though they got it right” I remembered thinking. Lost for words and frozen in my steps, for a full minutes I wasn’t aware of my vicinity, I couldn’t tell what was going through my head, my mind, or my heart.

"Wow" I whispered. Usually I would be the one to make the first move but not this time. I wasn’t brave enough to orate a word. Something was happening to me, I was feeling a way I never felt before. It was the awakening of something inside of me I never knew existed.

It took me another minute to find the guts to take a second peek, this time our eyes met and she smiled, to my friends this was an invitation to talk to her. To be honest, I don’t even think she was smiling at me but at that particular moment everything was a sign to my friends. This chick was hot, I mean the extreme form of it. A first class figure 8 with a Bubbling Onion Badunkadonk(B**ty), she was the kinna girl that can easily cause a traffic nightmare. If god's intention for creating women was to hijack a man's head, he just succeeded with me.

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Reluctant at first but knew if I didn't say "Hi" I was never gonna forgive myself, I surely wasn't gonna let her disappear without letting her know how I felt. "Hell No," I muttered. I approach her cautiously, no game-plans, didn't know what the first words were gonna be. Is she going to scream at me, maybe slap the shit-out-of-me? One negative thought after another consumed my thought-process. If I can get close enough to smell her, I'll take a slap she was damn worth it. For a minute I was pumped.

There I was face-to-face with the damsel I would later know as Aisha, there was no turning back, too late. It was hard not to appear inappropriate, do I take one more quick peek at her mesmerizing thighs and well-rounded titties? Gosh why can't I makeup my mind, "Focus dude" I remind myself, "don't blown this shit up". “Execute me” I said. Goddamn, she is a goddess. I was face-to-face with the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. “Hi” she responded in a smooth and sultry voice, a voice I'll equate to Rihanna's, accompanied by a wicked smile that can melt a frozen heart.

As I prepare to say another word, a car beamed its full lights on Aisha. I wanted to paint her in my heart right then and there.

“I saw the car’s light glittering on you so beautifully I thought the light itself was your lover” I uttered with a half smile. I was an amateur hardly seventeen and so was she. She looked at me for a good 10 seconds, still maintaining her smile without saying a thing. Do I have a stain on my shirt I wasn’t aware of, did she think am crazy? I couldn’t stop wondering why she hadn’t said anything yet.

“Are you a poet?” she muttered in the utmost compression of susurration. “No, but I’ll be your poet if you want” I said, chuckling. For once I was calm, I couldn’t wait for this moment. Everything about Aisha was seducing, her voice, her lips, her boobs, her hips, even the way she walk was celebrity perfect. “I have never met a guys this expressive my whole life, I love your confidence” she said. I blushed, we looked into each other's eyes and we could tell this was the beginning of something MAGICAL. Her aquamarine eyes shows a willingness to be vulnerable and I can tell this girl was going to steal my virginity and I will give it up willingly with a damn smile on my face :)


Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and see if the problem truly lies within.

Let’s get to the Political Chess.

Until late December, Barrow was very close to Halifa Sallah and the other opposition leaders, he understood the role they played in getting him elected and was seriously considering Halifa for the Vice Presidency. When Darboe was released from jail after the Coalition’s election victory, he immediately went to work. To him it was all about the 2020 presidential elections and his quest for political dominance, his first successful campaign was to cut-off Barrow from the colleagues who made his presidency possible. Like they call it in the Mandingo language “Jamfa” meaning Betrayal.

But wait! This wasn’t his only nefariousness, ministerial positions that were supposed to be shared with the rest of the coalition was shamelessly rigged biggggly. Darboe decided to give his Chums all the influential and strategist positions. Hamat Bah, Gomez and O.J were given the breadcrumbs.

The VP position is a particular importance to Darboe, knowing that the VP is the most visible position in the government after the president. Darboe wanted to make sure who ever occupies that VP Position does not have future political ambition. Basically, he does not want anyone becoming too powerful to eclipse him or a threat to his presidency in 2020. So Halifa Sallah was a nonstarter, Fatoumata Tambajang fits this profile well, this is why even after it became clear that she is constitutional ineligible for the position she continues to serve the role just without the formal title and Darboe love this setup. This is the perfect scenario for Darboe, so when you heard him the other day arrogantly challenging anyone to show him “where in the constitution it states that the VP position cannot be vacant” you know why, right? I can’t believe anyone will make such silly arguments in the 21st century smh.

This wasn’t Darboe’s only crime against the alliance that brought us together. He attempt to circumvent the Constitution by using that power-hungry Nincompoop Maimuna Fatty to bypass the constitution and file illegal and bogus amendments to the constitution, but luckily the plan was dwarf by the ever-towering Justice Minister Baa Tambadou (May the lord reward you). Who knew one honest person can make such huge difference.

Maimuna Mai Fatty is the perfect stooge for Lawyer Darboe, his profile fits the type of person to execute his dirty jobs; he is greedy, arrogant and half-baked educated who somehow convince himself he’s an intellectual. Lord help us! So the next time you see Maimuna (Mai Fatty) doing anything creepy and unscrupulous, point fingers at his master. He is simply following orders. We see beyond the hood-wink.

Maimuna is a zero political threat to Darboe, he is like a tree with no fruits. No one likes him, even his village will vote against him. He is like that dude in High School who thinks all the Hot-Girls are looking at him but actually they’re laughing at him. He is a cheap-tool that you use when it breaks you throw it away without hesitating. It was cheap after-all.

Halifa, being the most honest and least power-hungry politician our country has ever produced wasn’t going to be fooled with some mediocre Ministerial Position. There was a real attempt to tarnish his image but it failed miserably. Negro, don’t come here trying to tell me who Halifa Sallah is. Am from Serekunda, I know him better than you do. It’s like someone trying to convince you that your mother is WHITE when you’re as black as a Kenya. Nigger get out of my face smh.

Darboe is no Halifa and never will. They are two distinct creatures; one is principled and honest, the other will stop at nothing for power. I have never met a politician who commit so much blunders. In-fact Darboe’s whole political life rest on errors, miscalculations and selfishness and I’ll prove it.

For over 10 years we haven’t had one single UDP candidate in the Parliament and you won’t even believe what the reason was. UDP claimed the elections are rigged as such they won’t field candidates for the Parliamentary Elections. This was repeated two election cycles, hence, giving Jammeh a complete monopoly of the National-Assembly. But here is the irony, it appears Darboe only remembers the election is rigged when HE IS NOT RUNNING FOR ELECTION. He never boycott the presidential elections but was always eager to do the opposite for elections he won’t participate in. So basically it’s okay for him to run for office but no one else in UDP can do the same. Isn’t that the textbook definition of SELFISHNESS??? Prove me otherwise.

But wait, am not done yet. What is UDP’s platform, what do they stand for? Twenty years counting, you hardly hear UDP talk about Jobs, Unemployment, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, National Development or even something as simple as UNITY. See in any social movement there are two schools of thought based on my observation:

  1. One that tells you “my opponent is bad, horrible and not good for you so come join me” or
  2. One that tells/gives you a reason to join them. They persuade you through ideas and legitimate agendas.

UDP falls in the former, they do not give you concrete arguments as to why you should join/support them, their platform has always been about their opponents; APRC is evil, Jammeh is evil, PDOIS is evil, Halifa is Hitler, GDC is evil, Mamma Kandeh is unacceptable because he is too handsome and rich, PPP is old, OJ is evil, Mamma Kandeh is not part of the coalition. Communism, Socialism, Tribalism etc. etc. Negativity all day, 24/7. WHAT IS YOUR AGENDA???????????? Quit telling me how bad everyone is, I don’t wanna hear it, tell me how you're going to make my people's life betters. “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” – Jack Sparrow

It’s been just two months but it already feels like a century, we have enough of this Darboe remote controlled, amateur government. Goddamn, I don’t know about you, this isn’t what I fought for. Why isn’t this government talking about Term-limits, Judicial Independence and Police Reform and Unemployment?

What is power if you’re not going to use it to benefit the lives of your citizens? Going around and insulting anyone who disagree with you is NOT governance, get a clue. This a not your grandfather’s Gambia, this is a different Gambia, this is the Gambia where citizens are engage and will never allow anyone to take us for a ride ever again neither will anyone sell us some cheat shit.

Friends, when you get into that voting booth, think hard, think about the kind of country you want to live in. Is it the country where leaders like Mamma Kandeh and Halifa Sallah tell you how they plan to make your life better and continue to development the next generation of leaders or is the country where a leader like Darboe auction our brothers in Europe for money in their pockets, a party who produce folks like my friend Foday Jawla, whose only skills is insulting and yelling all day. I urge you to REJECT all UDP candidates until the party reforms itself and start working for the interest of the Gambian people. Wasalam!!
Fashion Nerds all over the world were grinding and like wtf...

Barrow and Entourage learn first hand not even money can buy you Sophistication. The president floundered biggggly on his dressing choices and gesture in the city of fashion Paris. It was a disaster, let's just keep it real. It would have been funny if it wasn't that bad.

Image matters, personal presentation matters especially in the world of Business and Diplomacy. Guess what? Barrow and delegation represent us, your image is our image unfortunately, so we're invested in how you present yourself.

But wait, it wasn't only his clothing choices. Barrows posture and gesture left a lot to be desired, he signals serious lack of confidence and professionalism.

But wait again, Barrow wasn't the only culprit, Maimuna Fatty (Mai Fatty) and my favorite old-man Papa Lawyer Darboe aka Mr. Teeny-Weeny miss the mark bigggly as well. Let's check some of the photos, I did my fair share of laughing last night.

Don't do that Mr. President, just wave your hand. Simple!

Maimuna Fatty was trying to fake it but miss bigggly. Our favorite grandpa Papa Lawyer Darboe aka Mr. Teeny-Weeny was off-mark huuugly as well lol... Stood like a Stick-Man, Oversize Suit, Over Size Pants, Imbalance Inner-Shirt. Where is madam Darboe?

Well some of you will be screaming "It's our culture" but you know what, just put on a Suit in a Diplomatic mission. It's a universal professional dress code.
Mr. President was off-mark bigly.
The dress is way too long and uncomfortable to walk.
Again, lift your head Mr. President, oh god, how long do I have to tell you.

Okay, the Fashion-Nerds at JollofNerds.com would like to offer Mr. President a complete wardrobe makeover, please reach out. In the main time, we'll advice the president to hire a Fashion Coach/Protocol Officer. You're the president sir, you have the state apparatus at your disposal.
Again, stop leaning-back or spreading-your-hands or tilting-your-head-to-the-side, it's kinna Unprofessional and Churlish!

Mr. Teeny-Weeny won't just let it go, wanna be president by-force smh.. Be patient Papa, 2020 is around the corner. You'll rule The Gambia for the next  20 years, we don't have TERM-LIMIT remember.

But wait!! Barrow and his gang are NOT the only culprits. UDP just lack "the thing", you know what I mean "The Swag". No matter how they fake it, it's just is there, you can't hide it. lol... But wait, what do you expect from Badibu, Kiang and Jarra exports. Xoxoxo..... Lmao!!

Don't kill yourself. It's just a joke. Calm down!!

Btw... What's up with the red-hair and the brown patterns Fatoumata? Are you a johnny-just-come? You definitely ain't from T-Town. Naa.. My ex is from T-Town, their game is spot-on!

Before we end let's give Mr. President and his gang of Up-Country boys some tips. We can't allow them to humiliate us again like they did at the city of fashion (Paris), can you even imagine that. Am pissed all over again. Lmao!!

Anyways here we go:

  1. Please Hire A Fashion Coach. You can give all the Ministerial Positions to the Up-Country boys but when it comes to fashion let the Serekunda and Banjul kids handle that shit, please. I see lot of young, talented Gambian designers on Facebook. If you can't find one contact us at Jollofnerds.com we'll hook you up.
  2. Keep your dressing simple as much as possible. Have you heard "beauty lies in simplicity?" it's true.
  3. Keep it professional, wear a Suit. Btw.. suit isn't just a western dress code, it's the universal professional dress code and there is a good reason for that. Look at your photos, you'll see why.
  4. Mr. President, please quit tilting your head to the side/down or spreading your hands like a king or leaning back like you're in a casual setting. Image matters.
  5. Finally, tell Maimuna Fatty to quit sitting next to you all the times just to get some camera attention. Mr. Busybody!
  6. Oh wait! Stop locking your fingers in professional settings. Stop it! Your gestures need some serious work.
Wait! Wait!

Don't you just love the First-Lady super, super hot. She got "the thing" you know what I mean, right?
Chum-y! We all love the Peuls, don't we?
Anyways, I'll take this first-lady any day than the Moroccan witch.

Happy weekend friends. Time to hit the Miami night life. Adios!!

In the next 100-200 years, when everyone reading this is post is dead or probably the longest living human-being. Our progeny would wish we had done one thing, that we supported the Independence of Casamance.

Wait! Did I hear that right, Gambia sending the military to the Casamance border???

I recognize the significant contribution Senegal has rendered to our country during the difficult Jammeh era but that does not take away the fact that the current border is unfair to The Gambian. After all, we never had a say when that stupid border was demarcated and it left us at a big disadvantage. To paraphrase Donald Trump’s “we need to renegotiate the border.” I can defend my argument on the lens of the Casamance people because they have been treated very unfairly by the North but that is provocative, it’s an internal political issue for Senegal so let them deal with it.

Today our relationship with Senegal is wonderful but this relationship cannot be guaranteed forever and that is why we must tread the Casamance issue carefully. Now I know we’re shortsighted, we think about only the "here and now" but this is a delicate issue and must be treated as such.

The reports that The Gambia is sending our ill-prepared military to the Casamance border is unwise and foolish, the same military that sat in their barracks while Jammeh was brutalizing us like they’re not paid to do one simple fucking job. Why involve yourself in other’s problems when your house is not in-order.

This is particularly unnerving because you have folks like Mai Fatty who have the president’s ears, the same guy who within the past two months has committed more errors than the entire executive branch combined. The only other person close is that teeny-weeny lawyer with the red lips. I hate bullies!

I do not trust Mai Fatty near any important decision in that Government, he is way too Hyper and an Attention-Whore. Two qualities that are recipe for disaster. I am pleased that we have mature folks like Baa Tambadou (Justice Minister) to keep a watch on that moron. Btw… somebody please tell him his sense of fashion sucks, he dress like a Baye-faal lost in Lagos.

Okay, maybe I should NOT be writing today, I am way too annoyed but I got to finish this shit. Whatever!

Back to the border. If we can deal with the unfair size of our country we shouldn’t continue to accept the way we’re surrounded by Senegal. This leaves us at their mercy, a disagreement of any sort can results in extreme hardship if Senegal wishes to exercise their advantage.

An independent Casamance will increase our influence in the region and make international trade easier. That way we also have an equal negotiating power with both Senegal and Casamance. Sometimes it’s good to think long term, while you might dislike the rebellion on the Casamance side, Gambia remains to benefit more in an Independent, successful Casamance.

Remember causing trouble in Casamance because you want to impress Senegal is not wise, it’s dumb to say it boldly. I hope someone put breaks on that Maimuna Fatty (Mai Fatty). A wise man once said “Don’t let a temporary moment of pleasure lure you into a decision that could leave you with a lifetime of pain and regret. Think before you act”.

December 1st 2016, miracle rained on our land, as hard as many of us fought to end the dictatorship, none of us truly believed Jammeh’s end was going to be this easy. Who thought Jammeh’s dictatorship final fall was going to be led by a soft-spoken, half-educated, former security guard Adama Barrow who can hardly read a passage in an elementary school textbook without sweating his head-off. This in itself is a miracle and I guess it is god’s way of humiliating Dictator Jammeh, whatever it was, we are relieved he is gone.

The Coalition is in a state of distress, it wasn’t supposed to end like this. The scars of the last administration still fresh in our minds. We went through one of the most inhumane period in the history of our country in Jammeh’s 20 years rule. The monster who promised to rule the country for a billion years and insults whoever dear put sense into his cranium. He reduced our people into beggars, hypocrites and sycophants. Even though our freedom has been restored to some degree, up to this day, his name bring nightmares and send shivers down the spine of so many of his victims. Yes, I have forgiven him, I don’t want to hold onto any bitterness but I shall never forget the tears he brought to so many of our people and neither should you.

Scandal in the Gambia. Lawyer Darboe, Money & Gambian Youths!

But there is another miracle which haven’t given much thought and it is the theme of this article. The miracle of October 30th 2016, the day our opposition parties came together to form a successful coalition for the first time. If Dec 1st was the day we got liberated then Oct 30th was the day that made it possible. The rest of this article going forward is going to be very thought-provoking and might be offensive to those who are immune to divergent views. So do yourself a favor (…??)

Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe that sometimes god speaks to us through signs? Do you? If you do, then maybe my reasoning will resonate with you.

In the past election cycles, our opposition parties struggled to unite to the benefit of Dictator Jammeh, despite overwhelming request from the Gambian people. Even after it became clear that they could NOT take on Dictator Jammeh as individual parties, there differences were big enough to quash the possibility of a coalition. Who was to blame is up for debate but one thing is clear, UDP always insisted on leading on the basis of being the biggest opposition party.

One party state is Inevitable in The Gambia, but...

With Lawyer Darboe’s “my way or the highway attitude” the talk of a coalition was a nonstarter. It was clear UDP was going to contest or boycott the elections but they were not going into a 50-50 chance convention to pick a candidate. Lawyer Darboe’s ego is too big to let that happen.

But last year was no ordinary year, it was the year when the good people of our country lean to god for a final plead to save us from the nightmare of Jammeh. That was the final beating, we couldn't take it anymore and the good lord answered.

Sometimes god solves your problem by getting rid of your obstacles. Could that be what happened when Lawyer Darboe was send to jail by Jammeh? I can’t say for sure but one thing is clear everything started falling into place the moment the Lawyer was incarcerated. Political parties/leaders that could never see eye to eye, all of a sudden were like brothers and sisters. The fruit of this unity lead to the impossible, finally we are free off the devil.

Adama Barrow pull-off what his political master could not accomplished and the best thing is he did it with grace, discipline and humility. When he went into that convention, he was at the mercy of the delegates but he promised to respect the results even though he was competing with Lilliputian political parties. This my friends, is one reason I'll always respect president Barrow. His decision to respect his political opponents led to his presidency.

But here we go again. The opposition parties are at loggerheads AGAIN and the once unified Coalition is cantankerous but guess who is OUT-OF-JAIL???

Where is the money? Is the question everyone is asking as terrified Gambian migrates in Europe fate remains in limbo. We have received credible information that the Gambian foreign minister (Lawyer Ousainou Darboe) who is also the leader of the UDP party signed a secret agreement with the European Union and the German government to repatriate Gambian migrants in Europe in exchange for millions of dollars.

As we write this piece, German authorities are believed to be at an advance stage of a mass deportations plan aimed at Gambian migrants. This is causing a big panic among Gambian communities in Europe especially Germany which has a large contingent of migrates who made it through the tormentous journey across the Mediterranean Sea. What made this news more troubling is the fact that the agreement was believed to be signed behind close-doors without the knowledge or input of the very people affected.

One party state is Inevitable in The Gambia, but

You would expect that before signing such an agreements which has huge potential to impact and disrupt so many lives, Lawyer Darboe would have consulted the migrants or the Gambian public at-large to sake their input. But as the old adage goes "money is the root of all evil" and even the almighty Lawyer Ousainou Darboe could not fend off the temptation of selling Gambian souls for some Benjamins. This is very troubling to say the least. We want answers from our political leaders and we want it now.

Majority Gambians depend on remittance from relatives in the diaspora, so the idea of signing any agreement to deport Gambian youths in exchange for money was never going to fly with The Gambia people, hence, the reason why the Foreign Minister decided to sign the agreement without the knowledge of the general public.
“He will pay a huge political price for this act” said Ebrima Ceesay of Brikama.

We demand an answer now. Lawyer Darboe and all those involve in this agreement must explain why such an agreement was reached without the input or knowledge of the Gambian people? We demand to see the full details of the agreement.

Btw... Where is the MONEY???
This is a developing story. We're still trying to verify the authenticity of this information. So stay tune.


Adama Barrow is a decent man and I believe he want to do the right things but let’s not fool ourselves he is not running the show. At least not since Darboe was released from jail. I like Barrow and I believe his motives are sincere but he lacks the preeminence and sophistication needed to lead the country, but worse than that he still lives under the shadow of Lawyer Darboe. This is tragic, because instead of our government fixating on all the work and transformations urgently need in the country, it appears Lawyer Darboe is busy setting-up his 2020 presidency.

Think about it. We spend two decades fighting for one basic principle “Term Limit” you would think that would have been the priority item on the president’s desk. No it wasn’t, instead it was “Age Limit.” Why? Why prioritize a legislation that basically benefit a single person at the expense of a whole nation? Why are we not asking this basic question? Have we forgotten this soon the nightmare we just came out of.

Here is the thing; UDP do not want a piece of the pie they want the WHOLE PIE. Lawyer Darboe will be the next president and UDP will rule The Gambia for the next 30 years. It sounds like a wild claim but it is not. If you have followed Gambian politics, you’ll know this is statistically accurate. So it is prudent upon all of us to hold UDP to high standard in order to prevent our dear-country plunging into a degrading situation as it was in the administration before.

Those of you who yearn for a true democracy where no single party dominate our politics, you are about to loss the battle. UDP surrogates have a powerful presents in all Gambia media platforms and they don’t play nice. Often they play dirty, divisive, identity political tactics thereby drowning any opposing views.

You spend two decades fighting dictatorship in the Gambia, why are you letting one form right under your nose? So many of us, sacrifice the pleasure of visiting our beloved country because we believed fighting for what’s right was worth it. We'll be damned if we let up right now.

I am calling on all of you to started demanding legislative and judicial changes so that no president will tramp on our rights and freedom ever again. We must demand legislation that reduce the power of the presidency. After 50 years of basically what is equivalent to waste, it’s time we stand up and make our voice heard and send a clear message to our government and anyone wanting to lead us that power belong to us the people. Wassalam!