Fashion Nerds all over the world were grinding and like wtf...

Barrow and Entourage learn first hand not even money can buy you Sophistication. The president floundered biggggly on his dressing choices and gesture in the city of fashion Paris. It was a disaster, let's just keep it real. It would have been funny if it wasn't that bad.

Image matters, personal presentation matters especially in the world of Business and Diplomacy. Guess what? Barrow and delegation represent us, your image is our image unfortunately, so we're invested in how you present yourself.

But wait, it wasn't only his clothing choices. Barrows posture and gesture left a lot to be desired, he signals serious lack of confidence and professionalism.

But wait again, Barrow wasn't the only culprit, Maimuna Fatty (Mai Fatty) and my favorite old-man Papa Lawyer Darboe aka Mr. Teeny-Weeny miss the mark bigggly as well. Let's check some of the photos, I did my fair share of laughing last night.

Don't do that Mr. President, just wave your hand. Simple!

Maimuna Fatty was trying to fake it but miss bigggly. Our favorite grandpa Papa Lawyer Darboe aka Mr. Teeny-Weeny was off-mark huuugly as well lol... Stood like a Stick-Man, Oversize Suit, Over Size Pants, Imbalance Inner-Shirt. Where is madam Darboe?

Well some of you will be screaming "It's our culture" but you know what, just put on a Suit in a Diplomatic mission. It's a universal professional dress code.
Mr. President was off-mark bigly.
The dress is way too long and uncomfortable to walk.
Again, lift your head Mr. President, oh god, how long do I have to tell you.

Okay, the Fashion-Nerds at would like to offer Mr. President a complete wardrobe makeover, please reach out. In the main time, we'll advice the president to hire a Fashion Coach/Protocol Officer. You're the president sir, you have the state apparatus at your disposal.
Again, stop leaning-back or spreading-your-hands or tilting-your-head-to-the-side, it's kinna Unprofessional and Churlish!

Mr. Teeny-Weeny won't just let it go, wanna be president by-force smh.. Be patient Papa, 2020 is around the corner. You'll rule The Gambia for the next  20 years, we don't have TERM-LIMIT remember.

But wait!! Barrow and his gang are NOT the only culprits. UDP just lack "the thing", you know what I mean "The Swag". No matter how they fake it, it's just is there, you can't hide it. lol... But wait, what do you expect from Badibu, Kiang and Jarra exports. Xoxoxo..... Lmao!!

Don't kill yourself. It's just a joke. Calm down!!

Btw... What's up with the red-hair and the brown patterns Fatoumata? Are you a johnny-just-come? You definitely ain't from T-Town. Naa.. My ex is from T-Town, their game is spot-on!

Before we end let's give Mr. President and his gang of Up-Country boys some tips. We can't allow them to humiliate us again like they did at the city of fashion (Paris), can you even imagine that. Am pissed all over again. Lmao!!

Anyways here we go:

  1. Please Hire A Fashion Coach. You can give all the Ministerial Positions to the Up-Country boys but when it comes to fashion let the Serekunda and Banjul kids handle that shit, please. I see lot of young, talented Gambian designers on Facebook. If you can't find one contact us at we'll hook you up.
  2. Keep your dressing simple as much as possible. Have you heard "beauty lies in simplicity?" it's true.
  3. Keep it professional, wear a Suit. Btw.. suit isn't just a western dress code, it's the universal professional dress code and there is a good reason for that. Look at your photos, you'll see why.
  4. Mr. President, please quit tilting your head to the side/down or spreading your hands like a king or leaning back like you're in a casual setting. Image matters.
  5. Finally, tell Maimuna Fatty to quit sitting next to you all the times just to get some camera attention. Mr. Busybody!
  6. Oh wait! Stop locking your fingers in professional settings. Stop it! Your gestures need some serious work.
Wait! Wait!

Don't you just love the First-Lady super, super hot. She got "the thing" you know what I mean, right?
Chum-y! We all love the Peuls, don't we?
Anyways, I'll take this first-lady any day than the Moroccan witch.

Happy weekend friends. Time to hit the Miami night life. Adios!!

In the next 100-200 years, when everyone reading this is post is dead or probably the longest living human-being. Our progeny would wish we had done one thing, that we supported the Independence of Casamance.

Wait! Did I hear that right, Gambia sending the military to the Casamance border???

I recognize the significant contribution Senegal has rendered to our country during the difficult Jammeh era but that does not take away the fact that the current border is unfair to The Gambian. After all, we never had a say when that stupid border was demarcated and it left us at a big disadvantage. To paraphrase Donald Trump’s “we need to renegotiate the border.” I can defend my argument on the lens of the Casamance people because they have been treated very unfairly by the North but that is provocative, it’s an internal political issue for Senegal so let them deal with it.

Today our relationship with Senegal is wonderful but this relationship cannot be guaranteed forever and that is why we must tread the Casamance issue carefully. Now I know we’re shortsighted, we think about only the "here and now" but this is a delicate issue and must be treated as such.

The reports that The Gambia is sending our ill-prepared military to the Casamance border is unwise and foolish, the same military that sat in their barracks while Jammeh was brutalizing us like they’re not paid to do one simple fucking job. Why involve yourself in other’s problems when your house is not in-order.

This is particularly unnerving because you have folks like Mai Fatty who have the president’s ears, the same guy who within the past two months has committed more errors than the entire executive branch combined. The only other person close is that teeny-weeny lawyer with the red lips. I hate bullies!

I do not trust Mai Fatty near any important decision in that Government, he is way too Hyper and an Attention-Whore. Two qualities that are recipe for disaster. I am pleased that we have mature folks like Baa Tambadou (Justice Minister) to keep a watch on that moron. Btw… somebody please tell him his sense of fashion sucks, he dress like a Baye-faal lost in Lagos.

Okay, maybe I should NOT be writing today, I am way too annoyed but I got to finish this shit. Whatever!

Back to the border. If we can deal with the unfair size of our country we shouldn’t continue to accept the way we’re surrounded by Senegal. This leaves us at their mercy, a disagreement of any sort can results in extreme hardship if Senegal wishes to exercise their advantage.

An independent Casamance will increase our influence in the region and make international trade easier. That way we also have an equal negotiating power with both Senegal and Casamance. Sometimes it’s good to think long term, while you might dislike the rebellion on the Casamance side, Gambia remains to benefit more in an Independent, successful Casamance.

Remember causing trouble in Casamance because you want to impress Senegal is not wise, it’s dumb to say it boldly. I hope someone put breaks on that Maimuna Fatty (Mai Fatty). A wise man once said “Don’t let a temporary moment of pleasure lure you into a decision that could leave you with a lifetime of pain and regret. Think before you act”.

December 1st 2016, miracle rained on our land, as hard as many of us fought to end the dictatorship, none of us truly believed Jammeh’s end was going to be this easy. Who thought Jammeh’s dictatorship final fall was going to be led by a soft-spoken, half-educated, former security guard Adama Barrow who can hardly read a passage in an elementary school textbook without sweating his head-off. This in itself is a miracle and I guess it is god’s way of humiliating Dictator Jammeh, whatever it was, we are relieved he is gone.

The Coalition is in a state of distress, it wasn’t supposed to end like this. The scars of the last administration still fresh in our minds. We went through one of the most inhumane period in the history of our country in Jammeh’s 20 years rule. The monster who promised to rule the country for a billion years and insults whoever dear put sense into his cranium. He reduced our people into beggars, hypocrites and sycophants. Even though our freedom has been restored to some degree, up to this day, his name bring nightmares and send shivers down the spine of so many of his victims. Yes, I have forgiven him, I don’t want to hold onto any bitterness but I shall never forget the tears he brought to so many of our people and neither should you.

Scandal in the Gambia. Lawyer Darboe, Money & Gambian Youths!

But there is another miracle which haven’t given much thought and it is the theme of this article. The miracle of October 30th 2016, the day our opposition parties came together to form a successful coalition for the first time. If Dec 1st was the day we got liberated then Oct 30th was the day that made it possible. The rest of this article going forward is going to be very thought-provoking and might be offensive to those who are immune to divergent views. So do yourself a favor (…??)

Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe that sometimes god speaks to us through signs? Do you? If you do, then maybe my reasoning will resonate with you.

In the past election cycles, our opposition parties struggled to unite to the benefit of Dictator Jammeh, despite overwhelming request from the Gambian people. Even after it became clear that they could NOT take on Dictator Jammeh as individual parties, there differences were big enough to quash the possibility of a coalition. Who was to blame is up for debate but one thing is clear, UDP always insisted on leading on the basis of being the biggest opposition party.

One party state is Inevitable in The Gambia, but...

With Lawyer Darboe’s “my way or the highway attitude” the talk of a coalition was a nonstarter. It was clear UDP was going to contest or boycott the elections but they were not going into a 50-50 chance convention to pick a candidate. Lawyer Darboe’s ego is too big to let that happen.

But last year was no ordinary year, it was the year when the good people of our country lean to god for a final plead to save us from the nightmare of Jammeh. That was the final beating, we couldn't take it anymore and the good lord answered.

Sometimes god solves your problem by getting rid of your obstacles. Could that be what happened when Lawyer Darboe was send to jail by Jammeh? I can’t say for sure but one thing is clear everything started falling into place the moment the Lawyer was incarcerated. Political parties/leaders that could never see eye to eye, all of a sudden were like brothers and sisters. The fruit of this unity lead to the impossible, finally we are free off the devil.

Adama Barrow pull-off what his political master could not accomplished and the best thing is he did it with grace, discipline and humility. When he went into that convention, he was at the mercy of the delegates but he promised to respect the results even though he was competing with Lilliputian political parties. This my friends, is one reason I'll always respect president Barrow. His decision to respect his political opponents led to his presidency.

But here we go again. The opposition parties are at loggerheads AGAIN and the once unified Coalition is cantankerous but guess who is OUT-OF-JAIL???

Where is the money? Is the question everyone is asking as terrified Gambian migrates in Europe fate remains in limbo. We have received credible information that the Gambian foreign minister (Lawyer Ousainou Darboe) who is also the leader of the UDP party signed a secret agreement with the European Union and the German government to repatriate Gambian migrants in Europe in exchange for millions of dollars.

As we write this piece, German authorities are believed to be at an advance stage of a mass deportations plan aimed at Gambian migrants. This is causing a big panic among Gambian communities in Europe especially Germany which has a large contingent of migrates who made it through the tormentous journey across the Mediterranean Sea. What made this news more troubling is the fact that the agreement was believed to be signed behind close-doors without the knowledge or input of the very people affected.

One party state is Inevitable in The Gambia, but

You would expect that before signing such an agreements which has huge potential to impact and disrupt so many lives, Lawyer Darboe would have consulted the migrants or the Gambian public at-large to sake their input. But as the old adage goes "money is the root of all evil" and even the almighty Lawyer Ousainou Darboe could not fend off the temptation of selling Gambian souls for some Benjamins. This is very troubling to say the least. We want answers from our political leaders and we want it now.

Majority Gambians depend on remittance from relatives in the diaspora, so the idea of signing any agreement to deport Gambian youths in exchange for money was never going to fly with The Gambia people, hence, the reason why the Foreign Minister decided to sign the agreement without the knowledge of the general public.
“He will pay a huge political price for this act” said Ebrima Ceesay of Brikama.

We demand an answer now. Lawyer Darboe and all those involve in this agreement must explain why such an agreement was reached without the input or knowledge of the Gambian people? We demand to see the full details of the agreement.

Btw... Where is the MONEY???
This is a developing story. We're still trying to verify the authenticity of this information. So stay tune.


Adama Barrow is a decent man and I believe he want to do the right things but let’s not fool ourselves he is not running the show. At least not since Darboe was released from jail. I like Barrow and I believe his motives are sincere but he lacks the preeminence and sophistication needed to lead the country, but worse than that he still lives under the shadow of Lawyer Darboe. This is tragic, because instead of our government fixating on all the work and transformations urgently need in the country, it appears Lawyer Darboe is busy setting-up his 2020 presidency.

Think about it. We spend two decades fighting for one basic principle “Term Limit” you would think that would have been the priority item on the president’s desk. No it wasn’t, instead it was “Age Limit.” Why? Why prioritize a legislation that basically benefit a single person at the expense of a whole nation? Why are we not asking this basic question? Have we forgotten this soon the nightmare we just came out of.

Here is the thing; UDP do not want a piece of the pie they want the WHOLE PIE. Lawyer Darboe will be the next president and UDP will rule The Gambia for the next 30 years. It sounds like a wild claim but it is not. If you have followed Gambian politics, you’ll know this is statistically accurate. So it is prudent upon all of us to hold UDP to high standard in order to prevent our dear-country plunging into a degrading situation as it was in the administration before.

Those of you who yearn for a true democracy where no single party dominate our politics, you are about to loss the battle. UDP surrogates have a powerful presents in all Gambia media platforms and they don’t play nice. Often they play dirty, divisive, identity political tactics thereby drowning any opposing views.

You spend two decades fighting dictatorship in the Gambia, why are you letting one form right under your nose? So many of us, sacrifice the pleasure of visiting our beloved country because we believed fighting for what’s right was worth it. We'll be damned if we let up right now.

I am calling on all of you to started demanding legislative and judicial changes so that no president will tramp on our rights and freedom ever again. We must demand legislation that reduce the power of the presidency. After 50 years of basically what is equivalent to waste, it’s time we stand up and make our voice heard and send a clear message to our government and anyone wanting to lead us that power belong to us the people. Wassalam!