Monkey Work Baboon Dey Chop. Is Jammeh the Monkey and Barrow the Baboon??

Our president (Barrow) was elegant yesterday during the opening ceremony of the National Assembly. He gave a dazzling speech and I got to confess he was sexy and seducing in his Haftan. Hi Barrow, you want a third wife? Holla! Wink, Wink!! He as always was gracious and modest, two qualities I like about him. However something else caught my attention, the beautiful building he gave his speech in. For a country with little infrastructure the new National Assembly building is a master piece and a pride.

But my busy-body mind started wondering, questions like “which administration built this beautiful building?” started popping in my head and I was faced with the hard reality, it was the administration of our ex-dictator. The same answer when I asked about the Airport a classic in African standards, the Roads, Traffic-Lights, Hospitals, Schools etc. almost every infrastructure development seems to have come from Jammeh’s government. This in addition to the many scholarships that allowed so many of our young citizens to get quality education in places like Taiwan, Venezuela, Cuba etc. Considering my antipathy for him, I felt abashed.

This fact puts our current administration in an awkward position, if a dictator who swindle our resources and was promiscuous at times could do all that development. The question everyone is asking is can this administration match the ex-president or do better. Well so far the manifestations are not great, if building Forensic-Labs is this government’s priority then the antics are not looking good and they have lot of catch-up to do. As of now, the only thing Barrow can take credit for is the gentility of his wardrobe, his Haftans without a doubt can match Jammeh’s any day. Sometimes, I get jealous ‘sah’, so cute Mr. President, if I can lay hand on one of those Haftans and Hats, ‘dem’ ladies will lick my face daylight. No kidding!

However, I hope Barrow doesn’t befuddle nice dresses to effective leadership. There is so much hope on him, blaming the ex-government for failures can only work for so long, after a while it gets old and we the Gambian people will say “put up or shut up.”

I am still buoyant though and crossing my fingers, I am putting my buck on this government hoping they won’t let me down. If a dictator can do more for the country than this UDP led government that would be an abomination and total shame. Even worst if every infrastructure this administration balls-in is the work of the dictator we all love to vilify that will call their credibility to question. Hola UDP! Are you really gonna let Jammeh mockingly poke his fingers at us? Do not embarrass us.

Ohh.. Btw, I was told UDP was upset that Mamma Kandeh upstage and humiliate them on the national stage. GDC, the country's biggest opposition party recently successfully rolled-out an infrastructure project, a bridge somewhere in the countryside in just few months. For a party not in power and with no control of government resources, this was an unbelievable accomplishment. Considering Papa Lawyer Darboe’s obsession with the presidency and his unstoppable impending presidency in 2020, this was a hard-hit and the old man was having none of it. In-fact, grapevine had it that UDP got big plans. The plan a Train that travels Banjul-to-Basse in a single hour by December 2017, this in reaction to Mamma Kandeh and GDC.

So far the UDP led administration has struggled to take credit for a single project since taking power not even a Borehole, it remains to be seen if they can pull it off. I hope they don’t become the party of plenty ideas, no substance. The good news, December is just around the corner. Talk is cheap “we go see.” So far it seems there is a Big-Baboon looming, but it’s not Dictator Jammeh lol.

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