Italy Extend a Handout to The Gambia, Mai Fatty took Credit:

Minutes after the conclusion of a meeting between Italy and The Gambian government. Our attention-obsessed Minister Mai Fatty eager to take credit and pump his ego ran to his favorite platform Facebook to prowl and scout applause from his often naïve, unsuspecting and lowbrow fans. In doing so, he fail to acknowledge the President or at-least allow his to take credit as it is customary in any government. When the Seal Team 6 kill Bin Laden they didn’t run to Twitter or Facebook neither did their Commanders. No! They understand the chain of command just like you should that the President is the Commander-in-Chief and head of the Executive-Branch in your case. As such, he deserves the privilege to be the face of such important news but don’t tell that to inerudite Mai Fatty.

But that wasn’t the end of his cardinal-sin, in a hurry to run his mouth he made a claim that I regretfully have to call a blatant lie. Just so no one confuse the fact that he “Mai Fatty” deserve the acclaim and only him, he said “The gift was from Italy’s Interior Ministry” quietly making a correlation since he is Gambia’s Interior Minister. Such a farce, what a character this guy is smh lol.

I don’t know the details of the deal but the claim that the gift is from Italy’s Interior Ministry stands out, because that is not how we understand Interior Ministries to operate anywhere in the world. Interior Ministries do not conduct foreign relations and their budget doesn’t include foreign-aid, I thought Mai Fatty would know this.

Last year I wrote an article titled “Half-Truth are Lies” and talked about how half-truth can be as deadly as total-lies. Mai Fatty has mastered the art of not telling the whole truth thereby giving impressions that might be deceiving just to advance his PR agenda. Let me give you an examples; remember how Mai claimed that he has signed a deal for the building of a $48 million Forensic-Lab only to change his story after we found out it was actually a Clinical Lab that performs Diagnosis and Research in Molecular Medicine, the forensic crime aspect of it was actually a small component of this project. Which makes sense, because Gambian does not have the crime-rate to warrant a $48 Million Forensic-Lab even if it was for free but you won’t have that impression when you listen to cretinous Mai Fatty.

Here we are again with the same half-truth from Mai. Don’t get me wrong it very possible that Italy’s Interior Minister was allowed to hangover the gifts that might be actually coming from the State Dept (Foreign Affairs) etc, governments does this all the times. Just because he handed over the Welfare-Check doesn’t mean it came from Italy’s Interior Ministry. Nice try!

Some of you might be like, but Intellectual-Bug this is not a big deal it was a just a small lie. If someone is capable of telling a small lie they're capable of telling a bigger, more consequential lie and remember we're entrusting these guys with our country at it's most vulnerable time.

That brings me to my last point. Who is Mai Fatty accountable to? It seems he is working in solo with no coordination with the President/Sectary-General’s office or any of the other government institutions and that say a lot about the dysfunction and structural problem within this administration. They are just not jelling, there is a serious leadership vacuum and people like Mai Fatty are taking advantage of this environment to hike their stock. My advice to Mai Fatty “Stop it,” please just stop it. If you work hard we will see it, you don't have to convince us. You might be older but some of us are more educated, more battle-tested in any areas, be it Governance, Economics or Int'l Affairs. Quit selling us Crap, please!

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