Who said a Gambian president isn’t capable of going to the world stage without swearing at everyone? It must be refreshing for the British not to hear the president of their former colony hauling insults and mockery at the queen. They were not the only ones auspicious though, Gambians all over the globe cheered and watch their jejune president with pride.

But we are NOT here for the rave. As Agitators-In-Chief and Anti- Conformist, we have to perform our duty as “Group-think” Busters and it’s about to get real. Yes, we know our reputation it has earn JollofNerds.com both abettors and calumniators but we would rather be real with our friends than fake to fit-in.

Mr. President as always was super-HOT, whoever convinced him to mimic Pres. Jawara’s dressing style was right he looks swank, unfortunately, it lacks ingenuity like almost everything Mr. president does.

It was a tantalizing speech according to many, especially folks on the other side, I can’t name names before they unleash Foday Jawla on me. The irony was many were praise-singing even before listening to the speech. The bar is so low for Pres. Barrow that he simply cannot do anything wrong, he just doesn’t have to do anything. “He did better than Jammeh.” is the new national anthem Smh!

It wasn’t surprising that it took less than 24hrs before Social-media reverse course and took down the president’s speech. A speech full of grammatical blunders and direct translation, it was so basic you’ll think it was written by Gambia’s amateur diplomat Facuru Sillah. It is NOT my style to tell other’s what to do but I believe UDP should consider hiring Sainey Sisay (Seattle) he’s probably the only UDP fellow I have seen with a decent Grammar. Foday Jawla would have been a good candidate but he is way too aggressive and delusional, whoever told him there was a tribal war going on in the Gambia should go back and tell him it was all a joke because he is NOT taking it lightly. Plus, my friend doesn’t talk kindly of women (join Trump buddy).

Was Barrow Speaking to Walls & Empty Chairs, why speak if you’re going to speak to an empty room?

I couldn’t tell if he was crying or reading lol. Why was Barrow even nervous when the only people in the room were Gambian Delegates? The rest were taking lunch-break or too lazy to leave the room. Which begs the question, why take 50+ people to New York City (one of the priciest cities in the world) just to listen to your speech, obviously no one cares what you have to say. That room was so empty I thought he was in a class on the last day of a school year.

Stop wasting our dinky resources, we are a poor, undeveloped nation. That trip at the end of the day will cost nothing less than D120,000,000.00 (Hundred & Twenty Million Dalasis) factoring a Chartered Flight. If that amount was invested in a Solar-Farm it would be sufficient to provide 24hrs uninterrupted Electricity and Water throughout the GBA. What is wrong with Africans?

UN, EU, World Bank, IMF, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Ecowas and countless other nations and organization pumped unimaginable amount of money & resources into the country so we can build strong institutions and be self-reliant. So far, NOT a single development project has been enacted by Darboe and his stooge Pres. Barrow. They are spending our money left and right on everything but Gambia’s need. Yet, all I kept hearing “At-least he did better than Jammeh.” WTF.. does that even mean, you think we fought for the bare minimum? In the main time, The Gambia remains a poor, dirty, hopeless country. The saddest part is, those who will be affected the most are probably the ones boiling inside while reading this article. Hating on Intellectual Bug when the politician is robbing your future. Guess what, I have 24hrs uninterrupted electricity & water supply, can you say the same?

Wake-up Gambians, wake-up Africans. It is NO accident that we’re the poorest nation in the poorest continent. Stop supporting political parties and politicians blindly, don’t be fooled, politicians will always convince you that you’re doing it for your TRIBE. They’re lying to you, they’re in it for themselves.

While you’re busy picking war with me, your government is busy spending money on themselves that was supposed to help lift the country from it's current state. They’re building Mansions that you’re NOT even aware of, yet if you get sick you you’ll end up in a hospital with no medicines. You live in a country were a mere headache can take your life, don't be mad at me for calling the politicians out.

I fought for SYSTEM-CHANGE. What did you fight for, PERSONNEL-CHANGE??


One of the leading opposition politician in the Gambian Hon. Mama Kandeh recently leveled a serious accusation against the Government of Lawyer Darboe and his Stooge Pres. Barrow. He alleges that the Government was embezzling public funds for private use. Many wondered why a man known to be very honest and measured would level such a serious indictment of African’s youngest government. Supporters or may I say militants of the ruling UDP party wasted no time to go for the jugulars, a party dominated by uncultured fanatics, it wasn’t surprising that they not only dismiss Hon. Kandeh but they went further to do what they do best “Personal Insults and Intimidation.”

Independent observers like Intellectual Bug decided to look deeper into this matter. Having observe Hon. Kandeh, and the level of integrity he has maintained throughout his political career, I thought he was up to something, politicians have info that the ordinary joe does not. It was clear there was more to the story than the lazy gov would like us to postulate and you won’t believe what we found.

It’s been 9 months since Darboe and his team took over, not a single project has been enacted since. Even in the face of endless flow of foreign money into the country. So far it appears the only people benefiting is Darboe and his chums just like it was during Jammeh's era. Before I elaborated let me remind you how much money has poured into the country and this is just what I am aware of:

  1. In February 2017: Just after taking office, EU gave The Gambian Government 225 Million Euros.
  2. In February 2017: World Bank gave the Gambian Government $7.8 Million Grant.
  3. In May 2017: China announced a Grant of $50 million to The Gambian Government.
  4. In July 2017: The European Union gave The Gambian Government another 30 Million Euros Grant.
  5. In July 2017: World Bank approve another $56 Million Grant to the Gambian Government.
  6. In August 2017: The European Union gave 25 Million Euros to the Gambian Government again.

Now you know why this guy here is celebrating birthdays and acting like a teenager, pardon me, I meant to say Fashionista smh.

Let me ask nicely. WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THAT MONEY?? Nine (9) months counting, the best this lazy government has done is bribe our lawmakers by buying them over 50 expensive cars and going on tourism to Saudi Arabia even in the midst of a devastating natural disaster. Hello! haven't you learned anything from Jammeh's 20 years misrule? Why can’t this government take us seriously, we fought to end Dictatorship and Corruption, some lost their lives, some sent to jail only to watch our effort go in vain.

What is more disheartening is this government's willingness to lie to us whenever cornered. "Saudi Arabia invited Barrow and sent a Private Jet to pick him up" yeah right or the "$48 Million Forensic lab is being built by a foreign company but they won't release details or the company's name." Are we supposed to accept anything you tell us, how credulous we must be. That brings me to the question "Where the hell are the journalist?" Don't you know there is something called Investigative Journalism. Quit reporting Sports and Court Cases all day. Do your job, stop robbing shoulders with government officials! Even a cough from the government you're ready to go to print or share the story on social-media. You're NOT an extended arm of the government, it's your job to hold them accountable and get the facts to the public. Smh!

If you're not aware already, The Gambia is among the top 10 poorest nations on earth. Kissing our government's ass is not gonna dig us out of that mess neither is praise-singing our politicians. Where is our money? The people of Kuntaur, the people of Ebo-town, the people of Banjul want to know. We need Electricity and Water, we need Jobs. Hello! are you listening?? Give NAWEC the funds they require to build better Public Utility services. Where is all the millions?

While you are obsessing about the commission of inquiry another dubious daylight Robin-hood is happening right now under your noise. What is even funnier, this is a pattern now, when there is a heat on the government they break a new Yahya Jammeh news and everyone goes on the meltdown. Give me a break, we're too sophisticated to be a Sucker for anything. Tell me what I don't know about Jammeh already. What are you doing right now to prevent another Jammeh? Absolutely Nothing, there is no anti-corruption mechanism implemented under this sleepy government and I am beginning to believe it is intentional.

I hope you'll learn from this guy here. Call him names all day but he cares and he proves it everyday through action.

We are aware of the funds you're diverting into your personal accounts and the homes you're building. We'll NOT rest until we exposed all of you, Not revealing/declaring your assets will NOT save you.

Before I conclude, Gambian journalist I have an assignment for you. Two months after taking office Barrow & Darboe gave D40,000.00 to each National Assembly member hmmm.. what is the source of that money?

Finally, finally, Jollof-Nerds would like to thank Hon. Kandeh for exposing the deep corruption spearheaded by Darboe and his pals. Who thought Lawyer Darboe would forget the ordinary guy so soon!!


Baddibu is one of the biggest and bedrock regions of The Gambia, their citizens one of the most educated and resourceful. They have an unmistakable stamp in every sector of our economy and civil service. To put it in simple terms, without BADDIBOU, Gambia will not be Gambia. Period!

While I am not Baddibunka, I recognize the significant contribution they have rendered to our country. But that is NOT all, Baddibunkas were in the fore-front of the fight against the Jammeh dictatorship and in so doing they lost lot of their sons and daughters for the liberation of our country. Thank you!

In every facet of our economy, Baddibu is a force to be reckon with and they can match any region in terms of successful citizens.

While all of the above are true. Baddibu struggles to reciprocate those successes in Gambian politics. In both the first and second republic, Baddibu has been largely ignored by the government and nothing seems to be different with this Bansang led UDP government.

The region has largely thrown their weight behind the UDP party but their loyalty HAS NOT been rewarded by Darboe & Co. So far, the fanciest role they have occupied in the Darboe lead government is the position of “Protocol Officer” which by the way is a fancy name for “Sectary or Clerk.” Every influential position in this government has either gone to Waa Bansang or a CRD native, from Amadou Sanneh (Finance Minister) to Assan Jallow (Chief Justice).

How long are Waa Baddibu willing to tolerate the Not-Good-Enough treatment from the UDP? So far, it appears Darboe is willing to use Waa Baddibu for their vote but marginalize them when it counts. That wasn’t the only nefarious treatment Baddibunkas have been subjected to by Darboe. During the selection to pick the presidential candidate to represent UDP in the general elections, Darboe throws his weight behind a former store security-guard in the UK who has neither the educational qualification nor leadership experience in expense of well-educated and experience Baddibunkas.

Even in jail, Lawyer Darboe’s command was clear, anybody but someone from Baddibu and he fought tooth-and-nail to dwindle their influence and power in the party. He would rather have a guy whose biggest experience was owning a 2-person Real Estate Boutique than allowing a power-shift to Baddibu. This is an insult, how long are waa Baddibu willing to accept the disrespect, maltreatment, marginalization and the suppressive acts from Darboe and his gang.

It is time to send a clear message to the UDP party, Baddibu cannot be ignored any longer and their support will NOT be taken for granted. A Political Party from Baddibu will be too strong to stop, not even the almighty Papa Lawyer Darboe can stop the mighty Baddibu. The time is now, the smart, experienced and resourceful Baddibunkas must take their rightful place in Gambian politics. Send a message to Darboe and his Bansang Gang, show us what you got. Create a POLITICAL PARTY now!!

First Jawara, then Jammeh and now the Darboe government. Enough is enough!