Lawyer Darboe to Waa Baddibu "You're Not Good Enough." Is it time for Baddibu to take their rightful place in Gambian politics??

Baddibu is one of the biggest and bedrock regions of The Gambia, their citizens one of the most educated and resourceful. They have an unmistakable stamp in every sector of our economy and civil service. To put it in simple terms, without BADDIBOU, Gambia will not be Gambia. Period!

While I am not Baddibunka, I recognize the significant contribution they have rendered to our country. But that is NOT all, Baddibunkas were in the fore-front of the fight against the Jammeh dictatorship and in so doing they lost lot of their sons and daughters for the liberation of our country. Thank you!

In every facet of our economy, Baddibu is a force to be reckon with and they can match any region in terms of successful citizens.

While all of the above are true. Baddibu struggles to reciprocate those successes in Gambian politics. In both the first and second republic, Baddibu has been largely ignored by the government and nothing seems to be different with this Bansang led UDP government.

The region has largely thrown their weight behind the UDP party but their loyalty HAS NOT been rewarded by Darboe & Co. So far, the fanciest role they have occupied in the Darboe lead government is the position of “Protocol Officer” which by the way is a fancy name for “Sectary or Clerk.” Every influential position in this government has either gone to Waa Bansang or a CRD native, from Amadou Sanneh (Finance Minister) to Assan Jallow (Chief Justice).

How long are Waa Baddibu willing to tolerate the Not-Good-Enough treatment from the UDP? So far, it appears Darboe is willing to use Waa Baddibu for their vote but marginalize them when it counts. That wasn’t the only nefarious treatment Baddibunkas have been subjected to by Darboe. During the selection to pick the presidential candidate to represent UDP in the general elections, Darboe throws his weight behind a former store security-guard in the UK who has neither the educational qualification nor leadership experience in expense of well-educated and experience Baddibunkas.

Even in jail, Lawyer Darboe’s command was clear, anybody but someone from Baddibu and he fought tooth-and-nail to dwindle their influence and power in the party. He would rather have a guy whose biggest experience was owning a 2-person Real Estate Boutique than allowing a power-shift to Baddibu. This is an insult, how long are waa Baddibu willing to accept the disrespect, maltreatment, marginalization and the suppressive acts from Darboe and his gang.

It is time to send a clear message to the UDP party, Baddibu cannot be ignored any longer and their support will NOT be taken for granted. A Political Party from Baddibu will be too strong to stop, not even the almighty Papa Lawyer Darboe can stop the mighty Baddibu. The time is now, the smart, experienced and resourceful Baddibunkas must take their rightful place in Gambian politics. Send a message to Darboe and his Bansang Gang, show us what you got. Create a POLITICAL PARTY now!!

First Jawara, then Jammeh and now the Darboe government. Enough is enough!

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