Badass Barrow, finally grew some b***, but who’s the real sinner:

When he spoke about Ousainou Darboe during the 2016 campaign, you can tell his heart was heavy. The man he call his dad was not there with him to see him lead the biggest political upset of the century in the African continent. The pain was less that Darboe wasn’t there to cheer him to victory, Darboe the man he loved so much and his colleagues were languishing jail in terrible conditions.

There is no room for error, he has to get this right and that energy kept him fighting and pushed him through the campaign. Fortunately, he had Halifa Sallah next to him, you couldn’t ask for a better friend in such a moment. A royalist, a man with honor, a man beyond reproach.

There's only so much a person can take. what else could Barrow have done? The insubordination has climaxed to an unbearable level. From the moment Pres. Barrow took office, his every move was designed to satisfy teeny-weeny Ousainou Darboe but greed and envy a focal point of Ousainou Darboe’s political live blinded him to this obvious fact.

To most the success of a disciple like Barrow should be enough satisfaction but not Lawyer Darboe. Like a cult leader, his followers are just a stepping stone and none is indispensable. The moment you eclipse him you become an enemy. No star is allowed shine than the Kahuna but what he failed to understand “he who god has blessed no man can curse.” Darboe has finally picked a fight he can never win. If there is one person post Jammeh who can take on Darboe is Pres. Barrow. He is everything Darboe is not. He’s got a big heart and personable none of which you can associate with Mr. Teeny Weeny.

I am not blind to the fact that Darboe is still popular and commands a loyal base. My friend would say it is no use to try to convince the fanatics, they have drank so much from the fountain of brainwashing that they are irremediable. I beg to differ, I am not about to give-up on about ¼ of our population, it takes a long, sustain effort to convince victims that the person they have seen as their savior for so long doesn’t have their interest at heart and was actually using them.

Call Barrow anything but he’s got a kind heart and he’s easy going. Don’t get me wrong, Barrow hasn’t risen to the occasion of the presidency but I didn't expected any better. How can anyone success with Ousainou Darboe as a deputy. An unloyal deputy to be exact.

Wherever he goes he brings chaos, confusion and disquietude. One of the biggest acts of unity we have ever seen in our country was the 2016 Opposition Coalition, the results of which release us from the clasp of one of African’s worst dictatorship but the Coalition was the first casualty of his wreckage but it wouldn’t be his last victim. Until then Barrow and his coalition partners were like brothers, one message, one platform. He used the unsuspecting Mai Fatty to create turmoil in the coalition and orchestrated his firing once he was useless to him. Anyways, we all know how that story goes, no need to buttress.

Think about all the disrespect and ills Darboe have committed in the past few months, it blows my mind how Pres. Barrow was so patient for so long.

  • He released Darboe from jail,
  • He allowed him to pick the cabinet, which he filled with his half-baked loyalists.
  • He allowed him to pick the National Assembly candidates.
  • He allowed him to picked the most visible cabinet position for himself.
  • He betrayed his coalition partners and even fired some just to satisfy the Manson (Darboe).
  • Fuck it, he gave him the ultimate price, the Vice Presidency.

What else does Darboe want? Barrow has done everything he humanly can. Where in the world do you see a Vice President openly plotting against the president and secreting encouraging his supporters to be unruly against the president. Barrow is such a patient creature, even Jesus Christ would have been less measured. Like my friend, a former cultist would say, he’s is a PEST. I dread characterizing anyone as such but I can understand his frustration.

I said this before and I'll repeat, UDP was not built as a governing party, it was built as a resistance. I thought being the ruling party will help it to transition but it’s quite the opposite and that’s unfortunate. But like they say if the head is rotten, don’t expect any better from the body.

To UDP, my message is simple and is one of a brotherly advice. Your public display of boorish behavior is a reproach to the entire UDP party. Barrow is one of yours. If God bless you but you remain ungrateful, do not be surprised when he turns his back on you.

This 2019, you are either IN or OUT.

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